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2 motor outputs from DelTang Rx on 1s 3.7v LiPo?


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  • RMweb Gold

Idle musing has brought me to this question. I'm thinking of rebuilding a 00 Lima or Hornby Ringfield-powered loco to have 2 powered bogies (remotored with CD drive motors) and on BPRC.


The question is; can a DelTang Rx control 2 motor outputs, and if so, would it mean the motors run on half power if they are wired up to the outputs on the Rx?


Would it require a separate 1s battery for each motor instead? Not sure how I'd wire that up. Or would a bigger capacity battery and a 9v step-up be a better solution?

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Hi Corbs,


I've not tried it, but I don't see why it should not work.


If you wire the two motors in parallel, which is generally the recommended arrangement, then the thing to watch is if the Deltang Rx will handle the total current. Wiring them in parallel doubles the current compared to a single motor. The smaller Rx4 series receivers will handle up to half an amp, the slightly larger Rx6 series ones will handle up to 3 amps which should be plenty.


Provided the Rx can handle the current, then both motors will then run at full power, but of course the setup will take double the current out of the battey compared to a single motor, so you will probably need a bigger battery.


Wiring them in parallel means they both have the same voltage as they would individually, so you do not need extra volts because of having two. You only need the step-up circuit if you need the higher voltage for the motors anyway, this is not affected by doubling the motors if you wire them in parallel.


You could set up two completely separate circuits with a motor and its own battery and receiver. You could then bind both receivers to the same transmitter and drive them together. This seems an unnecessary complication, not to mention the cost.


Hope this helps



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I have remotored a few Lima diesels with CD motors and they work well. Question, do you need two powered bogies. On testing I found a remotored Lima class 47 would pull 20 Hornby MK1 coaches and would reach scale 85mph pulling 12 coaches on my level gradient layout. I used a 9V Pololu voltage regulator. endurance testing showed the loco drawing just over 200mA. even with 2 powered bogies the loco will need less than 500mA


The good thing about these older models in the vast amount of space inside for the gubbins. I replaced the large metal weights with lead ones giving even more room. With all that space you could consider using 4X AAA NimH rechargeables, on test I found 4x Duracell 850mAH equivalent to about a 720mAh lipo pack. NimH manufactures calculate the capacity in a different way which accounts for the reduction from 3400mah to 720mAh, a 2S lipo in good as well


I have a couple of locos that need 600mA and the Deltang xx6 series work OK

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  • 2 weeks later...

Several of the Rx43s can actually handle 800ma on 1 channel and you can also connect the Add2 to get 3A. But also, those with 2 or more H bridges you can assign two 400ma outputs to one channel. So use H1 for one bogie and H2 for the second and just reprogram them using the programming instructions to change the assigned channel. No need to bind multiple receivers.

Good luck



Edited to correct Rx45 to Rx43

Edited by otherplanet
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