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10 days to go!



As I wrote the date on the board in the classroom this morning I realised that there are only 10 days to go until the Weston on Trent show. A slight panic set in. There is still lots to do before the day. At least it is not just me flying around like a maniac though. A fellow staff member seemed to appear at my door every five minutes today to discuss the rota for the day. There is the kitchen to organise, ensuring we have enough people to cook the food for the public, lunch for the exhibitors and serve the hungry masses. Then there is the washing up to do and also the door and car park duties to organise. Trying to get enough people can become a bit of a job at times. Thankfully it looks like there are plenty of people willing to help out this year. Once again members of the Ilkeston Woodside group will help out with the car park and we are very thankful to them for that.

This evening I have completed the draft floor plan and have made some progress on the show guide. After sending the confirmation letters out I have received some replies further confirming the attendance of the layouts. One reply came from my one major doubt. With that layout confirmed I feel confident that we will have 21 layouts. That is a record for the show. A full layout list now appears on the show's RMWeb thread. Amongst those layouts there are some I am really looking forward to seeing. Last year's best in show winner "Up the Line" is always worth a look and I can't wait to see it in its extended form. I am also looking forward to seeing the developments on Foster Street, as well as counting the number of Jubilees that Paul has managed to sneak onto the roster. I didn't get enough chance to view this layout last year so I will make an extra effort this time around. Both of these layouts are exhibited by RMWeb members.

Other RMWeb member layouts look set to be show highlights. Steam on the Cambrian is an outstanding model and one I was so pleased to add to the show line up. I was so impressed when I saw it at Butterley last year. I can't wait to see it again.

The one layout I really want to see is "Victoria Bridge". It is one of the smallest models in this year's show, but after following the blog for the model, it is one that I eagerly anticipate seeing.

Of course I hope these, and other layouts, bring enjoyment to our visitors. I hope we will have plenty of people through the door. This is the time my fingers start to cross that our publicity has drawn enough people in. Have we reached enough people? Time will tell. But, as one person has already told me, a £3.50 entry fee for 21 layouts is pretty good value for money.


More updates soon...

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Really looking forward to showing off Neptune street in its first proper show outing and we are greatful for the invite and looking forward to the day.

I am sure like us with our first show that once it is full swing you can stand back in satisfaction that you created something good.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well done for taking on this role. I used to do it and I know what hard work it is. Very brave of you to take on the catering for the public as well. We only used to do it for exhibitors.

Hope it all goes well.

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Thanks for the kind comments. We are lucky to have a good team of ladies on the staff who work hard in the kitchens during the day providing the food.

 Hopefully I will get a chance to look around the exhibits on the day - but I will probably be operating Skaleby West all day so I could be stuck in one classroom for the duration.

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