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More Pannier stuff and other interesting snippets

London cambrian


Morning all


A little later than intended but a quick catch up before another visit to Greystones this weekend, and pictures i'm sure.


Yes the last few weeks have mainly been pannier overhaul, most of it covered in the last post. The frames have gone from rolling chassis to flat pack and back in a matter of days, with a layer of paint in.




The air test, a short clip above revealed the expected niggles. The biggest problem, revealed just by rollling it over on the bench was tightness in the frames. Its perfectly normal for a locoto be tight after being built, i'm sure many will be familiar with running in. But this tightness was patchy, nad while most would wear out, as much of it did under air, just half an hour of running had freed considerably. A partial solution is to take a fraction off of the right hand big end bearing surface, frees it up further.




Another solution is taking a little off of the axlebox faces, so that there is a little movement sideways.What many model engineers have failed to understand is that a loco needs a bit of slop all round, and cannot be made absolutely tight, like this one is.



Elsewhere a few bits are being disassembled, stripped down and painted in preparation for the final modifications to the chassis, and reassembly in the next few weeks.


A few things like tank suports and tool boxes have been painted, but i wasnt happy with the finish so they need to be re painted.





Rods have also be reassembled, painted and ready to go.


Another project in the workshop has been our riding truck, now a fully fledged Milk van, a ventilated van for carrying milk churns before tankers became widespread. We found that we were using it so little now for its purpose, that we decided to make it look a bit more presentable.

So with the addition of semi scale footboards and a new roof (we are retaining the old padded one of course) it looks like this.






Also added is a water tank for the ever approaching pannier tank, so we can draw cold water from a seperate tank for the injectors. Injectors dont tend to like warm water, and if you were to draw water for them from the side tanks, the injectors would most likely stop working. I may put a tank in the bunker for use of injectors on a raised track where they are little used when you have an axle pump.


On top of all this tinkering, we went to the brent house railway once again. Pictures below.




















Over the day i drove a friends little great western saddletank.The class escapes me but its a fantastic model. A clinkered fire is my excuse for battling to maintai n pressure, so in the end bynthe end of the day we retired it, though for a small 0-6-0, it did fairly well with the heavy lump of myself, 2 rather old passenger coaches and two parcels vehicle.



Right, later maybe down to greystones and have a play there, into the evening and stay over to tomorrow, and come back after a good catch up.


Cheers all



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Any time gents.


The baby castle belongs to my friend Dinmore Manor on here. Its an engine thats spent a few years on the shelf, and as such its needed a bit of work. hes had a few issues with injectors, valve gear and draughting arrangement. But it was out today, and ran alright, and at brent house, but he retired it early.


As to the pannier, i shall be doing my best to have it running for september, there is a run at the Greystones railway which i would not mind having it going for, especially because of all the jibing i've had over it! So steam test towards the end of august, and certify it around then, and have it ready for end of september. I have all the bits for it, and the boiler has a hydraulic cert and basically had a steam cert before i dismantled it,so it is a case of getting this approved and it all running.





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