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Ruston 165DE



Decided to open the Impetus R&H 165DE kit that's been lurking in the cupboard as it's too cold to start spraying the 03 just yet.


This kit is my best ever bargain, ??8 on a second hand stall at a local show including wheels. I thinks there's a couple of bits missing but nothing insurmountable.


Spent yesterday evening soldering - it's nice to build an etched brass kit body again. I can't think but just about everything I've done recently has been whitemetal or plastic. After the complexities of the 03, this should prove to be a quicker project. I don't know much about the history of these locos, but I intend to have it as a works shunter for Wheal Elizabeth (which is a little over the top given its size). It'll probably be finished in ECC Blue and called Jamie.


Anyway, photos attached.


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Silly question, but is this 4mm or 7mm?


Either way, I'll be keeping an eye on this build because, now that Impetus kits are being produced again, I've got a hankering after a 4mm/ft 88DS. Suppose it might cost me more than ??8.00, though...

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  • RMweb Premium
Silly question, but is this 4mm or 7mm?


Either way, I'll be keeping an eye on this build because, now that Impetus kits are being produced again, I've got a hankering after a 4mm/ft 88DS. Suppose it might cost me more than ??8.00, though...


It's 4mm.

Is that definite about being back in production? I got fed up of waiting for Karlgarin to reintroduce the former Impetus kits. It's good news if they are though, because they did some unusual prototypes.

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Just be prepared to wait a bit longer. One day it will happen.


What makes you say that? I've been waiting impatiently since Karlgarin took over Impetus. He made a LOT of promises, and broke every one. :angry:

Now his website just states that he won't respond to enquiries about models not now in production. Useful. :rolleyes:


About two years ago I found a 7mm unmade Impetus 165DE 0-6-0, the ex WR PWM, class 97/6, on e-bay, ande bought it. Yes it cost me substantailly more than Impetus used to charge, but.........


Meanwhile, another manufacturer who shall be nameless promised me faithfully before Telford 2007 that he would be able to tell me AT Telford 2007 how far off his plans for the same loco in 7mm were.


He DID tell me, it was to be within 6 months, but I'm still waiting..........despite him having told me twice now that I can test build it for him and it's on it's way ;)


There are lies, damned lies and 7mm manufacturers' lies :lol:


And before anyone says, no, NOT all of them :D

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What makes you say that? ....


Well, I was watching the further recession of the polar ice caps. People used to think it couldn't happen, but it did.....slowly. laugh.gif

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What makes you say that? I've been waiting impatiently since Karlgarin took over Impetus. He made a LOT of promises, and broke every one. angry.gif

Now his website just states that he won't respond to enquiries about models not now in production. Useful. rolleyes.gif

From speaking to Richard at a couple of shows this year, it's comments like that that have made him keep schtum on his website. As far as I'm aware, quite a few of the kits are now in production, but he's not advertising the fact until he's got proper instructions drawn up. When they do appear on the website, you can be sure that everything will be ready.

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Hello just got a impetus Ruston 165de pwm can you help on which horn blocks I would need for the chassis please thank you regards mike

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello just got a impetus Ruston 165de pwm can you help on which horn blocks I would need for the chassis please thank you regards mike

Hi Mike

only just noticed your question. I use High Level horn blocks for everything these days. They just fold up and only require minimal amounts of fettling. Their standard size horn block will be adequate.

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