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4Fs - Tender filling - and finally complete?



Well despite being a positive little Angel last year, the Fat Fella in the Red suit brought me a lump of Coal for my Christmas box.


I was sure he got me mixed up with some other for want of a better term "naughty" person so the present just sat there on a shelf gathering dust, waiting for the day, it would be collected and my real present delivered.


Every day since Christmas, as soon as I got home, the first thing I asked the Domestic Overlord, was if Santa had come and replaced the present. But no each day I rushed home only to be heartbroken, and disappointed as I am literally the little boy that Santa forgot..........boo hoo boo hoo :(


Well I guess you are now reading the rest of this entry though tear soaked eyes, you fools the above is not true, the Fat man did not get my presents mixed up, HE DID NOT LEAVE ME ANY PRESENTS, trust me this the wont be an Angel stuck on the top of the tree.


Anyway the lump of coal was kindly donated by the WSR, and has waited to be crushed so it could be added to the tenders of the fleet. Last night I finally got round to crushing the coal (after practising on several grapes) so to day the first loco's in the fleet had their tender replenished so at least that's the 4F's completed??
So there you go, I have actually finished a project, well I will do when I finally add the missing lamps, and maybe some fire irons, and then the missing cab handrails.


Until next time as ever Happy Modelling...... now what about some 3Fs

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The tenders look a lot better with real coal in them, and the weathering on the locomotives is very realistic.


Can you explain how you achieved the water stained look on a couple of them, did you use and airbrush or powders?

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