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card modeled diorama's of a fictive neighbourhoud

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Something different

I know you have not heard from me from a long time. The Brexit was a breaking point for me. Ordering from British small suppliers became to complicate and expensive. Because I want to model, I searched for something new. I have always been interested in fantasy stories like the Lord of the Rings. But the Warhammer figures always show the most of them in a fighting position. My wife does not like that for my modelling. After some search on the internet, I found a Danish shop selling their ow

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling in Styles St. Mary

Vicarage - Styles St. Mary

I started a vicarage building using a kit from Scalescenes but I was not content with my choice. After some further research on the internet I found a floor plan of a vicarage building, dated 1928. I decided to use this plan as the start for my vicarage. Scratch building is totally new for my, so I have to see if I can manage the building of the vicarage. I also decided to give the building an interior.      The ground floor I created in a more traditional Victorian way usin

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Job's Modelling in Northall

Vicarage garden wall

My next diorama is inspired by The Murder in the Vicarage. I started to make a diorama plan/map.   I started to make the base, and after that I started with the garden wall. I will use the same garden wall texture from Scalescenes ( Brown brick - Garden Wall; TX 52) as I used for Rose Cottage. The texture is printed on a canvas photo paper. Then I searched for a garden door on the internet. The door that I found is downloaded and made to size. The door has a

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling in Northall

Murder solved in Glenshire

I have finished my little coastal village diorama (22x14,5 cm) The cobbled surface is a texture is from Smart Models. I liked the colour of this one for this diorama. With an embossing pen I scribed the individual cobble stones row by row and one by one. I did this free handed, looking carefully to the texture. Every day about 10 ten rows. The visible holes are for the figures. Next job is to paint them.     After I had finished the cobbled quay I glued the cottages in

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling in Northall

Fisherman cottages

I finished my row of cottages. I used the kit T019 Row of Cottages from Scalescenes. I used the 2 kits: the TX 07 aged brown brick and the TX47 Coursed rubble. The Scalescenes textures are used for the wall, the lintels, the gutter, the downpipe, the roof base and the chimneys. I did not want to use white window frames. The alternative choice were the windows from the small cottage kit from Smart Models. I used the black and blue window frames. For the roof I also used a slate roo

Apple Tree Cottage

Although it is been quite silent from my side, I’m still modeling.   After I had finished Rose Cottage I build Apple Tree Cottage. Apple Tree Cottage is the premises of the Hinchliffe sisters.   They do some small village farming: a small apple orchard and some pigs. In the picture some pig food will be delivered using a Austin A70 pick up. The car is a John Day Model.   According to my research the sisters Hinchliffe had a small car. From my collec

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling in Styles St. Mary

Animal food delivery

On Facebook I use Miss Parker to write about her research of the historical buildings of Littleworth and her daily life in the 1950’s. I separate the story there from my modelling information. So, Miss Parker continues: When I come back in Green Lane, I see the Austin pick up from Mr. James Nash standing in in the lane. Mr. Nash has a pet shop on Station Road in Northall where I sometimes buy some Spratt’s cat food. The Piggott sisters order their animal food there. Mr. Nash is probabl

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Littleworth – detached cottage 2

I have not posted a blog for a while. But I am still modelling. I have finished my cottage.   This cottage is called Rose Cottage and it belongs to Miss Harriet Parker, a free-lance journalist and writer.     For the magazine of the Middleshire Historical Society Miss Parker wants to describe the cottages of Littleworth. She thought it would be a nice idea to start with the cottage she lives in. Sitting behind her Underwood Noiseless 77 typewriter she starts typing

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Littleworth Victorian school - part three

A pictorial journey: To test the choice of the textures I started to build the toilet group.     Next step is building the main building of the school.     Then the base had to be made and the school must be glued on the base.     Base made with the help of a frame maker.   The scene would be a photographer taking a picture of Victorian school class for a special occasion.          I hope you have

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Job's Modelling

Littleworth Victorian school - part two

Next stage was to search the textures and colours I want to use.   Textures are aged brown brick TX07 from Scale Scenes and Mixed Grey Roof Slates from Model Railway Scenery. Brick Textures are printed on a photo canvas paper. Slates are printed on 100 gms. Rice paper from Hahnemühle. Remember: different settings and choices on your printer can give different results.   Colours are from AK-paints – wood grain, from Citadel Paints: Zandre Dust base colour, Sturmverm

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Job's Modelling

Littleworth Victorian school - part one

I have chosen The Little Acorns School from Petite Properties for my next project. It will be build as a diorama using the same base as for the George Inn.     It will be a mixed media project using paint for some parts and textures for other parts.   The first thing I do when I start a project is doing some research. Being a teacher myself for a long time this is an interesting subject for me. These little one class school actually exist around 1900 in agriculture

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

The George Inn 2

I have finished the Austin A70 Countryman. Lovely kit from John Day but takes some time to paint. I’m pleased with the result. I have finished the diorama of The George Inn. The base of the diorama is 27 cm. I used some figures I had already painted and some I have used before.   The story behind the diorama: The car belongs to Ernest Huntington. He is the current owner of Sweetman House in Littleworth. He has also a kennel with pointers. His wife is Julia Adderley. She

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

The George Inn

Here is update on my latest project. I have finished the pub, but there are some small things to do. Pictures are some great judges!   The pub is, as said in my latest blog entry, a Petite Properties kit. I have used textures from the internet (the lower brick part), Scalescenes and Clever Models for the pub. It took a lot of time to put all the small paper parts into the frames. For the stucco I made my own PDF file with the right size for the stucco parts. Also, the chimney’s ne

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Update and new project

Due personal reasons and some other modelling interest there is been some silence from around my modelling projects. I still have to paint some cars, but that have to wait. In a box I had a lot of OO gauge cars waiting for a project were one of them could be used. Some months ago, I found two cheap showcases. The cars moved from the box to the showcases. Now I noticed I had just bought cars from which I thought they could be useful. But I like to use them in my favourite way as histori

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

An Austin Showroom - part 2

This is my first kit from Kingsway Models. Signs are kindly made for me when I ordered the showroom.   If you follow the instructions the kit is easy to build. I missed one essential instruction and had to do the front a little bit different. I made new textures for the front of the showroom. I scanned the original Austin and CarMart sign from Kingsway and used them to put them into my front textures.     I was not happy with the roof textures of the original kit.

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

An Austin Showroom – part 1

I always wanted to do something with my collection of 1950’s car models. Garages and showrooms are very useful to create a nice diorama. On the website of Kingsway Models I found a collection of useful items. I ordered his new Main Dealer Car Showroom. The showroom doesn’t have signs for Austin. And I wanted to build an Austin showroom. When I ordered my kit, I asked him if it was possible to create some Austin signs for my showroom. He kindly made some nice signs and a garage name. When I

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Goodbye Station Road and Caroline Street

I have to say goodbye to Station Road. I loved building it, especially the interiors of the Arch Record shop and the Walden Book Shop. I have made picture of all my building project, so I can have look at Station Road on my desktop.   Also, Caroline Street has to go. Will keep the elements I can use again in the future.   I don’t have the place to keep all my diorama’s. Some of them have found a new house. Some of them were made for someone special. Some of them have al

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Road modelling try-out

For my birthday a got some modelling books. One of them was:     I also will try to follow a book called “your Flow keep calm daily craft book.” In this book is a daily papercraft task you can do. I will translate this daily tasks in a way that suits my best. The task for one of these days was make a paper flower using a newspaper or a magazine. I translated this to try to make a road pavement try-out with weeds using paper textures. From page 88 on there is a chap

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Littleworth – detached cottage 1

Littleworth is the village at the end of the branch line from Northall.   I have finished the main building of first model for Littleworth: a detached cottage. On the left side I have planned a garage. A low relief kit of Petite Properties and a picture from internet are used as a base. The Flemish bond brick texture is from Wordsworth Models. Free to download. All the other used textures are from Scalescenes, except for the curtains.   I used for the roof some usef

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Up side down

Everything got upside down   One So, we made our plans. Then my wife had a serious fall in the bathroom and insured her back badly. Her recovery will take some time. The Billy cabinet has now to wait for a while. But that is now problem.   Two I want to thank everyone who gave me useful information for the design of my Billy plank. I already started with making a new plan.   Three One of the advices was to buy the excellent book Modelling Grassland an

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

IKEA challange 3

In the past I have to do my built diorama’s away. Nothing bad about that, but my wife likes my diorama modelling. Yes, I’m a lucky guy with that. But now I had to find another way for creating diorama’s that could be placed in the living room. On a Facebook group I saw someone who exhibited his Petite Property models in a showcase. In the latest numbers of the BRM magazine there is an article about building a layout in a Billy shelf. My wife liked that idea. So, my next IKEA chall

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Coal lorry

I have to make some change of plans. So, I have to skip my third IKEA challenge. A couple of years ago my wife made a serious fall. Now she is diagnosed with an acquired brain injury (ABI). This means we have to make some adaptions in our home. One of the things she wants to change is removing smaller things that we have to keep clean by dusting, including the small diorama’s that are standing on a cabinet in our living room.   We have already found a solution that was fine for both of

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

IKEA challenge 2 - Garage on Queen Street

This challenge was more challenging than the first one. The box is about 18 cm wide, 7 cm deep and 12,5 cm high.   I have a nice collection of cars that deserve to be put in a diorama. In a small box like this you can not create a scene with pavement, some road and a background model. So, I spent a lot of time drawing several (not) possible diorama plans. Using several materials and prints.     The picture above is made when I finally found a solution. A

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

High Street 9 – Post Scriptum

Although I had finished my High Street diorama, I gave it an extra scene. I also will add some missing information.   I also noticed that I did not publish a picture of the side of the shop. The shop side has some posters from the early 1900’s era.     Wenlock gave the suggestion to add a hot chestnut seller to the scene. So, I bought one by Langley models. I also tried to improve my painting. For this I got some feedback from an employee of a Wargame shop in Utrec

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

IKEA challenge 1 - Northall Station

A couple of months ago I bought 3 different small IKEA boxes. Just to see what I could do with them. So, I have now three different personal challenges. For the first one I used an IKEA box of 31cm wide x20cm high x 7cm deep. The box is not very deep. For that reason, I approached the building of the diorama as a three-dimensional painting. I started with the sky and than the city background. In this way the colour tone of the “painting” was set. From this point on I tried which colour

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