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Progress of my layout "South Downs Road"

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Point work and Signalling

Plans are underway for the signalling, It'll be Colour Light and all fully functioning. Points will be wire in a tube for the parts in the station areas.   Josh



Progress of my MMTCT conversion

I've converted this from the Dapol Tanker, and changed it by adding the extended flanks (styrene) Wheels for the tanker (from an Airfix kit) and separating the tanker from the chassis, more pics to come



Scratch Building a Maunsell TPO van

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=1MxgGWo4Hk3BoM&tbnid=9a9Y41v7xm0x2M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marcmodels.co.uk%2Fhtml%2Ftpo.html&ei=zadJUpSnG4aw0AXfrIBI&bvm=bv.53217764,d.d2k&psig=AFQjCNEc70haV1TV5R-uuG1eh1_6IQylbg&ust=1380644997630372   Thinking of building one of these from card. I don't solder so I think I shall have a go, at card instead Please comment with you opini



A few shots of South Downs Road

T:B : T A Leslie Green style tube station built from a Kingsway card kit M1 The underpass which acts as the station entrance M2 A view of the 4 track station area. shortly behind is the EMU sidings for terminating commuter services B Some Metcalfe shops recreating new development after the war



Building a new interior for a Dapol signal box

Here are some shots of the progress so far. The original interior had lever frames, but the layout has colour light sigs, so I've decided to build a new signal panel, glazing, lights and some extra details..   Feel free to comment and ENJOY



An overview of my layout

This is my layout. It's called South Downs Road, and is built to represent the elevated track section leaving London Waterloo. The station is fictional and is set between Wimbledon station in south London.   The layout is set in 1951, and features EMU sidings, a 4track station. The overall length is 12ft by 3ft.



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