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Empire Mills: the Volvo strikes back



The open day went very well and we got a great deal of interest, so hopefully in the next few weeks we'll see some new members at the MRC and some new members of the Empire Mills team.


Last Sunday we had our first work session since the open day and one on which I had hoped to make progress with more cassettes for the fiddle yard. However, on starting the trusty Volvo there was a clattering noise as a bolt holding the alternator and steering pump failed and the cam belt disintegrated. The AA was summoned and a garage job was pronounced. This meant that Gareth was unfortunately left to work on the layout by himself. Over to you, Gareth.....



So. Having expected something on the order of six people I was surprised that an hour past our designated start point I was still the only one there. No matter, I was able to get a fair bit done on my own. In March I had added a few point levers to the layout. On Sunday I got back to these, installing the remainder, adding the planking around the base and painting them. So far they are painted "as new" and will need significant weathering, but that is yet to come.



I continued work on the edge of the pond but I'm not really happy with how it came out. I may have gotten slightly carried away with the gloss varnish, probably too many puddles. Better luck next time.


After that I added more brambles to the hills in the back, but there aren't any pictures of that.


Admittedly not the most productive session we have every had, but more progress has been made.

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