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Southgill is a fictitious location on the West Coast mainline in Cumbria

Entries in this blog

Stone walling

With Southgill being a rural Cumbrian based I knew that stone wall were going to have to be extensively constructed. I've seen some very realistic walls created using broken up pieces of plaster which are assembled much the same as building an actual wall. The main issue for me was making the blocks of plaster small enough not to look too over scale but large enough to handle with a pair of tweezers.   Once the building of some walls started I soon came to the realisation that it was going t



Southgill viaduct and field barn section

Here is the first image I've posted of my new layout in progress. It is inspired by the scenery of both the Settle to Carlisle and the West Coast Mainline. The layout will eventually be 20ft long and be transportable for exhibitions, this being my first attempt at an exhibition layout. This 3ftx2ft section is not far from completion and the next major task is to build the OLE.



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