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Time passes so quickly...



It's been a long time since I posted, the layout has progressed, but is still some way from completion. The track was laid, not without issues and the learning curve has been steep at times. Peco solenoids are controlled from a control panel and NCE powercab. I finally understand how electrofrog points work, the back scene was painted a couple of weeks back and have been placing the hard standings for the buildings. The warehouse has been dropped at the moment and the factory became a practice piece, it's not fixed yet as things change as more is added. The last electrics will probably be a bus for tapping off for leds, not much really but if I don't allow for it now I'll probably regret it in a while.
Tomorrow the paving will be finished, I'll extend the led feed along the back scene, and drop the baseboard back down onto the bench, at the moment it's precariously balanced on 2 boxes to allow access underneath and at long last I can attack the rest of the buildings. I might almost know what I'm doing by the time it's finished...


Thanks for looking.

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Recommended Comments

If the intention was portraying a chilly winter's afternoon in 1965 it has succeeded admirably. A really nice vignette.

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Time may have passed, but I am glad your use of Photobucket to store/share your photos is now in the past!  Gone are the dirty great PHOTOBUCKET watermarks across the middle of your photos! Now we can see all of your modelling in all its detail. Bring it on - looking great!


Steve S


Edited by SteveyDee68
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