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Lugsdale Road - a little progress at a very slow pace



Progress on Lugsdale Road has been very, very slow of late, with the pressures of non modelling life taking up huge amounts of time, though any progress is a good thing?


In my last update I mentioned that I would need a lot more buildings just on board 1 to try and create the cramped, dirty industrial town look I am trying to recreate. Then living in a typical northwest industrial town, it suddenly hit me, why not just open my eyes and look around.


Lots of the old warehouses and factories in the town I live in had been demolished years ago, but the ones that remain seemed to range from huge to massive so the answer was just to build a huge warehouse/factory and fill the space on board 1 in one go. At least that's what I thought I should have done, what I have actually done is create yet more work for myself.
looking from what will eventually be the station platform towards the buffer stops I have been trying to fill in the area with typical buildings you would expect to find in the area, a couple of heavily butchered Metcalf kits help in what I thought would save me a little time but actually used up quite a bit.


Looking in the other direction towards what will be the goods yard, you can see the tops of Warehouses and Factories that back against the raised railway line, but the majority of these roofs will thankfully not be slated.
This I hope will give the area a claustrophobic feel and will be somewhere the tram line can run behind to hide the fact it will come to a abrupt stop as the line runs out of space.
There is still a lot of space to fill but at least the gaps are getting smaller and lots of opportunity to apply a lot of weathering and grot to the buildings, I think a lot of the brickwork will be hidden behind soot and smoke black and greys.
The next stage will be the development of a N gauge fog machine as I think the layout will look a lot more atmospheric cloaked in a thick "pea souper" plus if will hide some of the more dodgy modelling.


As you can see there is still a huge amount of work to complete, and that's only on board 1, hopefully board 2 will be a lot easier, and I still have to finalise the track plan, still its a break from modelling Terraced houses (I must get back to that)
Until the next time, as ever happy modelling :)


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