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Ropley - Mock Me!





Two blog entries in two days! This must be some sort of record!


Regular readers of my ramblings will know that when this project first started, all those many eons ago, the only footbridge at Ropley was at the far Western end of the station. In the last 3 years however, significant changes have taken place in and around the yard, the most visual of which is the installation of the footbridge formally located at Kings Cross Station.


Acquired in order to improve accessibility to the boiler and carriage shop by means of the mezzanine floor installed within, the footbridge has changed the look of the whole yard and left me debating whether to draw a line in the time period in which the layout is set. However not being one to shy away from a challenge, I decided that the footbridge will be reproduced in small scale.


I have to admit, having seen the completed installation it is a somewhat more complex affair than I ever imagined, and I still need to get a set of decent measurements which will be no small task in itself, but today I made a simple paper mockup using a photo cropped and resized to approximately the correct dimensions in order to establish whether there would be any issues fitting the bridge into a layout which was not built with it in mind. Happily it seems it does fit, although it appears I may have made the C&B building a fraction too narrow. I have been considering re-making this anyway to address a couple of other areas I wasn't happy with.


It's interesting how even this paper mockup puts a whole new perspective on the layout, and I'm now looking forward to getting the final version measured out and etched up. I think it's going to be something of a scene stealer!







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