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Comet A20 pt 3

The Fatadder


Escaping from the never ending list of Christmas tasks for a short while yesterday evening allowed more time to work on the A20


The headstocks have been soldered onto the chassis, again using scrap etch folded into an L to reinforce the centre. The holes have been opened up to match the castings (though I do wonder why Comet insist on having holes which are a lot smaller than the parts intended to fit. I understand that there will always be an amount of fettling needed, but having a 1.8mm hole etched at less than 1mm is mad.


Next up was the bogies, I hate 3 point compensation with a passion (so everything is built sprung if the option is available, otherwise rigid.) These were quick to assemble once the holes were opened up (again why etch so small!). Somehow I ended up soldering the side frame to the centre with white metal solder and the iron set to 400 degrees without melting.




Bogies were then test fitted into the chassis to set up the ride height against a mainline C77 third, before soldering the steps in position and gluing on the battery boxes etc.


So now that the chassis is finished, I suppose I ought to get on with adding some detail to the body. I don't think I can put off adding hinges any longer...


Edit to add 2nd photo


Happy Christmasblogentry-54-0-37820500-1482624751_thumb.jpg

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  • RMweb Gold

Tested tonight at the club, only to find out that the wheels are EM.....


Time to dig out the back to back gauge and narrow them...

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