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What can I do on here?



I have been playing about with the Hornby Elite and Railmaster and thought it would be a great way to operate Wold's-End.


I have now removed the traverser and added an extension which I intially thought would be a nice long fiddle yard.


Having now fitted the board and laid the track I'm thinking I could actually use the last 400mm as a hidden fiddle yard and just use a loco lift or DCC concepts storage MPD to swap locos.

The area which connects up to Wold's-End can have some scenic treatment on it.

I'm thinking about an all open countryside type of scene to make a big contrast between the enclosed station.

I'm just not sure if it will work though or how to try and blend it in, or infact keep it as it's own module.

I know it's not the most protoypical, highly detailed or high quality layout there has ever been, but it's the only OO layout I have room for that I can run my OO locos!!








What do you guys think, any input would be great.






Recommended Comments

Hello Ian,


How about a high road with arches at the side of the warehouse and a enbankment at the other side.

I think you can create a nice change to an open erea in this way.


Like your World's-End.



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