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What I’ve been working on. WARNING! This is not finescale


from train set to ????

a few thoughts and ideas from the journey ess1uks-layout-ruby-road-and-other-waffle-blog/





Entries in this blog

Coaches. Improving my Mk2 stock

making my mixed bag of Lima and Hornby coaches look a little better. painting corridor connection doors in the correct colours. left to right 2 Lima, 1 Bachman and 1 Hornby mk2 coaches I'm painting some B4 bogie springs red on clean coaches, and not bothered on the ones that have been weathered. cruel close up   Interiors may well get a lick of paint too. should wheel bearings covers be yellow?


ess1uk in Blog


pictures of the 2 Grampus wagons on the sidings test board. Must get round to adding some form of couplings to them.



ISO Containers from the 1980s

with a full rake of 5 vintage Hornby FFA/FGA wagons i needed an assortment of 1980s ISO containers as a replacement for the aged Hornby boxes. The plan was to get some of the Wild Boar containers until i saw the ready to use C-Rail-Intermodal offerings. So whilst at the DEMU Showcase 2016 i purchased 4 of the C-Rail containers.     shown below are 2 balanced on the wagon before the lugs for the original containers are cut off.   just wondering what the be


ess1uk in Blog

Renumbering Mk2 coaches. HELP?

Due to having multiple coaches with the same number I'm going to renumber some. The coach numbers are as follows with their depot as listed in 1989 Platform 5 book: · 6x W5449 (LA) Mk2b TSO · 2x W13493 (OM) Mk2b FK · 2x W16084 which is not a Mk2 number but think it is a Mk2b BFK? · 1x E6524 (MA) micro buffet TSOT · 1x 5456 (OM) micro buffet TSOT in NSE but this is a TSO number   Also I have the following Mk2A BFKs · 1 x Hornby 17086 in NSE · 1 x Bachmann 17079 in NSE · 1 x Bachmann


ess1uk in Workbench

VEA vans part 2

A quick picture of the 2 newest VEAs to arrive recently. 1 in the newer dark grey and yellow livery and another in red. The latest red one comes fitted with a working flashing tail lamp. unfortunately i will have to replace a missing buffer on one of the older vans that has got broken off at some point. must also get round to fitting couplings too. any ideas which buffers to use and where to get them?  



Hornby Class 47

recently bought is this 2nd hand Hornby class 47 body.   It's ETH fitted 47487 in original Intercity livery. this will enable me to have another passenger train by swapping the body from my railfreight 47. It is missing glazing and buffers, but I should be able to sort that out. now I just need to find loads of pictures of the prototype and work out what i need to do and make up a shopping list. Fans and grills are a must.



Brake Vans Part 2

latest addition to the fleet is a Hornby CAR brake van needs weathering and a suitable crew adding. also need to take off the large tension lock



VGA weathering

Latest try on the VGA still not sure though? needs some matt varnish over the transfers yet too



Brake vans

the small fleet of brake vans is slowly getting a make over. 3 Hornby and 2 Bachmann so far. A bit of weathering to sort out. the idea was to make one look like this http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brbrakediag507/h264A0A25#h264a0a25 but it has not worked  



MSV mineral wagons

A couple of pictures of the small Hornby MSV and ZKV fleet. Like many Hornby wagons not a faithful replica but guess it's as close as I'll get for now. they still need to be weathered more. also need to get some transfers so the TOPS panels can be changed so they have different numbers.



Weathering Wagons part 4

I've been weathering a few new to me Hornby wagons picked up from ebay. 2 OAAs and a MSV. still a little bit to do to finish. Lighting not very good in the garage though.   along side some other previously weathered wagons   and finally the sector OAA next to a "dutch" OCA and sector brake van. the sector OAA is needing new TOPS transfers



VEA vans

just a few pictures of my VEA vans 2 on the left are weathered by Neil Mason, the other 2 (still needing a bit more work on the underframe) by myself. Those white rims on the wheels need to go. I also intend to get some new transfers from Fox and renumber 3 of these.



Seacow YGH. Part 2. More weathering.

I've had another go at weathering one of my Lima seacows. Sprayed frame dirt on the bogies, tried to make the inside look rusty, and added a couple of repair patches. not brilliant but it breaks up the look of the line of wagons.



PWA part 3

A start has been made on weathering the PWAs. Railmatch Frame Dirt has been used. The next one will be even muckier! I also want to remove the Procor signs on a couple.



PWA vans part 2

having recently bought 3 more Lima Palvans (2 UKF, 1 Fissons) I thought I had better make a start on painting the 4 UKF versions. A trip to Howes of Oxford provided a jar of Railmatch Bauxite paint and a start was made on painting the ends brown. Here's 3 drying in the sun. just need to make them mucky now



VGA van part 3

Well the VGA is nearly finished. Thanks to Jinty of this parish I got some transfers. A slightly hybrid livery, but sure there were some variations about.   now to weather it a bit more!



PWA vans.

The latest 2 new arrivals to Ruby Road are PWA vans for a UKF bagged fertiliser flow to Gillingham and Andover from Ince near Stanlow.   One of the vans needs attention to fix broken/missing buffers on end and there are a couple of missing hand wheels, but nothing serious. I must also figure out a way of getting them to couple closer together.



VAA van

A few pictures of my attempts to weather my VAA. Railmatch faded red and my own mix of grime. the first 2 pictures are the van out of the box. i was going for a more faded almost pink look but it didnt work so wiped most of it off and left the Railmatch faded red on. needs a bit more work but not bad as a start. Also needs silver added to the buffers 



PGAs Part 3. Another one finished.

Another go on a Lima PGA taking out the unwanted bulkhead you can see the browny purple that the wagon started life as where i have cut the plastic away. a little bit of grey paint to cover and when this is dry i will re-weather i have also painted the axle box covers yellow on all my PGA wagons



Weathering Wagons part 3

I've had another couple of hours free so I got the paint out and had ago on a couple of wagons.   Before Hornby 8 plank wagon.   After With a dirty wash and stippled with rust.   Before Hornby OAA   After some faded red added and a couple of planks painted different shades. this still needs some work. some more grime is needed and will be added once this paint has dried.   inside painted.   real coal added to the 8 plank wagon



PGA part 2

I've been doing a bit more weathering of the PGAs. I recently got a Hornby PGA from ebay and so whilst making this mucky I've revisted the 10 Lima ones previously started. the back 3 wagons still need the centre baffle removing before any more painting. I also still need to source some brake hand wheels from http://colincraig4mm.co.uk/#/hand-wheels/4532593494 to replace missing ones. The 3 Hornby brake vans need lots more work and i will get round to these eventually.



VGA vans Part 2

A couple of shots of progress on the repainting of the VGA. the one i'm working on is in the middle on these photos. it still needs electric warning flashes and the TOPS data panels were painted over so I need to replace those. once the transfers are on it will be weathered. the Railmatch paint is not the same as the Bachmann factory finish,but after it has been made grimey it shouldn't be too noticable. need to find the time to finish it now.



VGA vans

to add to my growing wagon collection i have recently purchased 3 VGA vans from the internet. one of them had been painted in silver paint on the ends so i have made a start on putting it back into its original Railfreight Speedlink livery. as it arrived. undergoing its repaint. it is getting faded red on one end.



Freightliner Flats - going multimodal

I'm making up a set of 5 Hornby/Triang container flats. I have bought 3 from the internet and 1 from the Spalding show to add to the 1 I have had for years. The first 2 to arrive in the post with a Yeoman PGA wagon that came at the same time. The track was an unexpected bonus included with one of the Freightliners. This is the latest, £9 from the 2013 Spalding show. All 5 will undergo weathering shortly and a couple will need container doors fixing/replacing but I'm not sure of the best



Ruby Road sidings part 4. Try again.

after a little more playing about with track and photo copies of points i have reached a stage where i think i have a workable plan for the extension of the sidings to allow a loco to shunt wagons. mock up on the kitchen floor to prove the theory, but the use of two 3 way points may be a bit over the top? i may allow for 2 more sidings and have another try before fixing to any wood. i also need to check the length of my longest wagons and locos to make sure i can fit them onto the yard. I



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