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Blog- Maurice's Blog - Scratch building in Derby

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I have just been on an interesting and productive weekend at the Midland Hotel in Derby organised by Allen Doherty - the master of Worsley Works. The hotel is very conveniently situated no more than a train's length from the front of Derby station. Good when you are carrying a 'workshop' on your back! This was his 21st such event, although it was the first that I have attended.




Several coach bodies were put together, including one supplied by Allen for a Brighton Saloon in S Scale. The other two were the remaining Allen Gibson (original) Brighton coaches for the proposed Isle of Wight and Brighton sets.


As can be seen from the pictures I took along some other items to share.


The value of these weekends, in addition to having some clear time at there bench - the best part of 19 hours over two and a half days, are the modelling conversations and the ideas that get picked up from modellers working a wide range of scales.


... Also the amusement of seeing what other people do with the kit you are using. A fellow modelling in Gauge 1 (10mm) arrived with a Real Useful Box with two BR standard coaches in it.... This was the same box that I intend to use to carry my complete P87 layout!




Sunday's work Included much progress on the S Scale LSWR Ilfracombe Goods which is targeted for completion by the S Scale Society AGM in February 2015. Unfortunately, in the haste to get on the camera got forgotten - so this work will remain shrouded in (at least visual) secrecy for the moment!

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