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The return of the 166.

Good evening!    New addition to the fleet arrived yesterday, looks familiar? Well it's because it's the second time I've had a Bachmann 166 in my collection.    I'll admit I do have an odd soft spot for this model in particular. Strictly speaking on previous layouts that were based around SE London / Kent this would not be suitable. I've used artistic licence and gave the scenario that the 166 was part of an early cross London trial that linked Reading with SE London, much l


Stevethomas6444 in Stock

Running in

I've made a start in running the fleet using DCC Concepts rolling road which I've had for a while. Space constraints makes this a very useful tool for running in.    First up were the two latest additions, 60015 and 4308 then slowly going through the older stuff which haven't been out of the box in three years. So far so good!    I am impressed by the Hornby class 60 with the level of detail and the weight is quite something! One day I would love to run this on a layout with


Stevethomas6444 in Stock

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