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About this blog

There are numerous reasons for starting a "blog" on any given subject, but in the environment we find ourselves in at the moment it feels like a positive activity towards maintaining sanity. So here goes.

Lyghtondown, as I'm calling the railway  (you have to have a name, don't you) is the result of a series of events and actions spanning a few years now that has resulted in a layout that is 8 feet wide and 7 feet deep.  Within these confines we have tried to strike a balance between a Train Set and a Model Railway in a Sussex countryside branch line scenario.  Only time will tell if we achieve our goals.

Entries in this blog

Since I was there...

... and had already confirmed a modest case of "stepping over a line", there's been some additional work going on.   I give you a DCC Generator that supports multiple Power DCC Districts.   OK. Stunned silence from most of the audience, and I would imagine for 95% of those people using DCC out there this means little to nothing and even if it did has little to no practical use.   Question: What is a DCC Power District?   Answer: As I understand it it's a m


jeff_p in DCC

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