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About this blog

Hello! As in the name, this blog is where I can showcase to you my Broad Gauge creations on the program called "Roblox Studio".


If you ever wonder why my builds look very "blocky", that's because I build them in a retro style called "Stud Style" with its own rules, causing it to look quite blocky. (though I break them most of the time)


That's all, hopefully some of these could be of interest to you!

Entries in this blog

New Designs

It's been some time since I've posted in here, so I thought I'd update on my current models. I've actually been brainstorming ideas on freelance designs, looking at many steam locomotives even if it had to be in standard gauge, even going as far as looking at mainland Europe!   It was certainly a fun but quite tiring process, fortunately I have been able to create two new freelances, a Crampton Tank and a Tank rebuild of the Waverley class that would've seen service up till 1892.


isambird in Freelanced Designs

Great Western

Here I am again, with the freelanced locomotives on the Broad Gauge.   Starting from the beginning how I came to this point, I'd have to tell you about @Annie's 4-2-4T freelance which started it all, and I'm glad for that because it just looked really good that I wanted to build something like it.   Seeing how good it looked and it also being in a wheel arrangement I really like, I just had to build something like it. But when I did so, the results were quite.

Freelanced Designs by Me

For today's blog entry, I will be presenting all my freelanced BG designs from old to new!   Please note, I am not very smart on locomotive specifications and whatnot so some stuff may not make much sense. These are just for fun :) -- -- This is my newest freelanced design, inspired by the LBSCR 0-4-0WT (Well Tank), aswell as the GWR Raven Class, one of the only locomotives to have outside cylinders during their broad gauge states! No class name yet as I


isambird in Freelanced Designs

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