The curvy back frame member for baseboard two was almost successful. Unfortunately, I misjudged the length of the 15 inch radius section and ended up with a piece that didn't quite curve round far enough. Otherwise it was really good!
Undaunted, I had another try - this time using the actual baseboards themselves as the jig. I decided to make this one full height, including the backscene. Here is picture with the clamps holding the 3-layer 'sandwich' in place whilst the glue sets. I
Tasks to do on the first scenic baseboard are gradually being ticked off. I really feel like we're nearly there!
A major worry was getting the track plan stuck down. For various reasons it seemed best, if a little unusual, to do this before I fixed the top onto the underlying framework. I had drawn a grid on the plywood so I could keep a check that everything was aligning properly (photo in the last instalment). I used contact adhesive from a tin to stick the paper down. This all wo