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Delph - D2008 coach completed

Dave Holt


The part finished ex-LMS D2008 vestibule brake 3rd has been completed to partner the D1916 version already done. As before, the bulk of the work was done by Coachman, leaving me to make the interior and finish off. The D2008 is a bit unusual because it has only 51/2 seating bays but an even smaller brake compartment than the D1916, which has 6 bays. This must have resulted in very generous leg room for excursion passengerd who chose to sit in this type of coach.

Here's a shot of the complete coach and also a closer view showing the brake compartment and half seating bay.






Here the two coaches are seen together for comparison.






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Who's corridor connectors are you using and what do you use to keep the coaches together with...can't make the mechanism out from your photo.



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I'm sorry, but I don't know the make of the corridor connections - they're whatever Coachman fits - a springy card concertina arrangement.

As for the inter-coach couplings - you wont be able to make tham out as I haven't fitted them yet! I'm using a type supplied by Masokits - a mix of etched parts (hooks and mountings), brass wire (the coupling loop which engages with the hook on the next coach) & lace making pins (to represent the hose connections). A bit of a fiddle, but easy to use, adjustable for length - I like the buffer heads to just touch on straight track - and reasonably unobtrusive.



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