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OOPS! I forgot this bit

Dave at Honley Tank


Some time back I was taken to task as it were, because my J10 had brakes but nothing to pull them on.

I deliberately took pictures with the representation of the draw gear fitted in place but I’ve just realised I have not shown these on here; - so here is one!


I don’t attempt to model the prototype draw gear because it should never be available to be viewed; at least not under normal operating conditions. I was taught that the only reason to accurately model that which could not normally be seen was to set yourself a task, or stretch your abilities.


I fix the brake shoes and hangers firmly to the main frames and rely on the springiness of the hangers to hold the draw gear in position.Cross-bars are normally fabricated from 1/16” glass-fibre based copper laminate gapped at their middle (split-axle!). A lace pin is soldered each side to represent the connection to the hanger and a short length of electrical insulation slipped over. This limits the side-ways movement of the assembly. In this case the draw rods don't show in pictures so I have a central draw bar with cross-rods (rather than cross-bars)


If the draw rods on the prototype show, - some times they are even outside the wheels, but more usually just inside, - then I model them, but on the J10 you can’t normally see them at all, so they must have been well in-board or, indeed, very much as I have made mine.


The cab of my model does not include a brake lever that can be seen, (the driver’s hiding it!), so the brakes can’t actually be operated and therefore my linkage is not there.blogentry-1295-0-86876100-1345536469_thumb.jpg



So, my J10's got brakes, but they don't work!


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