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Summer's over!



As I get stuck into planning for the new school year the summer really is over for me. It is back to the constant slog of planning lessons, preparing resources, attending meetings and dealing with all kinds of hassles. Yes I really do love my job!


And with the end of summer comes an end to my extended modelling time. One final fling last week saw more progress made on Skaleby West. Using some Gaugemaster materials I created a small rock face on the nearside of the embankment. This was then covered with some lichen material and hanging basket liner to represent plants and grass. Some rocks were glued at the foot of the embankment to represent a small rock fall. I then added the Woodland Scenics cinders to the baseboard to fill the gap between the bottom of the embankment and the start of the track ballast.


I was still not happy with the final effect of the hanging basket liner for the embankment grass, and decided this needed some more texture. Some Gaugemaster scenic scatter was sprinkled on over the top and then a layer of static grass was roughly added on top of this. This seemed to make things look a little better. The static grass was also applied at the rear of the platform, and along the top of a small embankment which had been built a few weeks ago on the right hand side of the layout, leading from the platform to the fiddle yard entrance on this side of the board. Things really have started to take shape, and I have added a few more factory built trees to the scene.


A view of the embankment scene following the addition of the additional scatter materials.

Next I turned my attention to the front of the baseboard. I had planned for a signal box and a small coal merchant’s scene in this area. I played around with a few buildings until I was happy with the final effect. I then cut cork bases for the buildings, glued these down and covered them with a layer of plaster bandage which was painted grey when dry. More cinder scatter was then glued around the coal staithes and the grounded wagon body which will act as the coal merchant. This all looks a bit too clean at the moment so I may tackle some weathering once all of the other jobs are done.


A general view of the front area of the board is seen in the first picture, with a close up of the coal merchants yard in the second shot.

The signal box is the Skaledale “Magna” model, purchased this week. I had test fitted the old Skaledale “Goathland” signal box in this location, which I had bought a few years ago, but this did not seem to look quite right.


So things have moved on so here is a bit of a before and after comparison.



The Show

I continue to work on the advertising. There were leaflets present on a trade stand during the Midland Rail-ex show and other traders have had their leaflet supplies restocked. I have also contacted a couple of model magazines about having the show included in their diary pages.

During the Midland Rail-ex show I spoke to a couple of layout owners and may have secured a couple more layouts for the show. One has confirmed, the other is still to get back to me. I am also awaiting replies from a couple of trade stands who may offer something different should they agree to attend.

Recently I have also received some more details from exhibitors for the show guide. I had better get back onto this soon.


Until next time….

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Recommended Comments

I really like your application of static grass. The mixture of textures realy gives this layout a nice rural feel. Do you put a layer of scatter under the static grass or just apply to painted terrain?


Good luck with your lesson planning.



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I really like your application of static grass. The mixture of textures realy gives this layout a nice rural feel. Do you put a layer of scatter under the static grass or just apply to painted terrain?


Good luck with your lesson planning.




I apply various layers to the terrain. The landscape is shaped using polystyrene blocks from Skaledale boxes and screwed up newspaper. This is then covered in plaster bandage and painted with brown poster paint. Once the paint is dry I cover in a layer of dark green scatter material. This is then covered in the hanging basket liner. A further layer of scatter is added before the static grass. Glad you like the mix. I am still wondering if the grass is a little too bright, and am thinking of adding a darker static grass over the top of this to add to the mix.

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I think it works well with the backscene as a good match. I am interested by your use of the hanging basket liner. I was wondering what gave the grass that extra background colour. It works well but I suspect that it might be a little out of scale for my gauge layout so I am thinking I might just use some scatter for the base colour.


I am impressed by your rate of work.

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Thanks again stephen. When I use the liner I peel it off the plastic backing, pull out the long strands before gluing it down. When dry I do trim it again with a pair of scissors to try and remove any remaining out of scale strands.

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