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26. The Station Refit Again

John Geeee


The OO Garden Shed By John Geeeee


Well it has been a while since I last posted a blog entry. After months of nothing, I have been re-skining the station. The base was a Scalescenes card job that had turned a silly shade of pink due to using cheap printer inks. Rather than waste it I thought I would try and add Finecast stone sheets to it and paint it accordingly.


I broke the building down into sections and removed any signs and cills etc.



I used another printout of the scalescenes kit for templates. Heres the completed skin before painting.



First coat of stone base colour applied and old roof peeled off.



Various washes applied to give a bit more weathered look. I struggle with dry-brushing but find I can get a nice effect by repeated dirty washes with burnt umber and a final cream wash for morter and to add a kind of faded appearance, and now needs final finishing with guttering, downpipes, and signs.




The finished thing, Dirty windows and all, its about time the window cleaners were in:











I say finished, I want to add a clock on the platform side and maybe some flower baskets or something if I ever see such things in the future. THe nest project is to apply the same skin to the station platforms to again hide the pink base and turn it into stone with a complete paved surface.



John Geeeeee

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Looking good. One of the troubles with printing is the fastness of the inks. Whats really needed is a laser printer - inks are colourfast and waterproof (aids weathering).

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I have followed this Blog with great interest as I intend replacing a Metcalfe goods shed with the Ratio product & also

replace my own attempt at a cattle dock with the Ratio model.

Can I enquire what brand of paint you used . You mention yellow ochre , burnt umber & cream. Have you a preference for

acrylic or enamels ? Very impressed with your work.



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Hi Dave,

Thank you for the comment,


Over my short modelling career for buildings and scenery I have tried Higher quality Newton&Windsor Galleria acrylics, Tamiya/Humbrol/Airfix modelling acrylics, and cheap acrylic tubes that you can pick up from various high street bargain book chains. They all work but In my opinion save your money and buy some of the big tubes from cheap book stores. I generally use them straight out the tube for main coats and dilute them with tap water for washes. They have good adhesion to the Ratio and other modelling plastic sheets. Just give them a bit more time to dry before applying subsequent coats or washes. Spend the money you save on better quality brushes instead.


John Geeee

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Hi John


Thanks very much for all the information. I bought the cattle dock kit on Friday , plenty of pieces in the bag.

I am using your blog as a guide.

At the same time I got a couple more tins of Humbrol matt enamel. I have seen the cheaper paints that you

refer to , like fat tooth paste tubes . 2 / 200ml tubes for

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Hi Dave,

Yes its worth practising on some bits of "scrap" plasticard first to get used to the effect you want to achieve, I can't say if my way is the right way to do it but I like the effect it gives. Good Luck.


John Geeee

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