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Life in 2mm so far...



Having dabbled in 2mm scale on and off for a couple of years I have decide to take the plunge and publish a blog of a layout creation in the hope of providing momentum to a small 2mm project.


My experience in 2mm is limited to re-wheeling a couple of Bachman wagons (purely to test the track built), producing some easitrac plain track and building an A6 point using copper clad sleepers (tried an easitrac point and gave up, couldn’t get it too work, sorry!). At that time my soldering skills were limited and an attempt a loco body failed abysmally.


This project will run alongside a larger 7mm project already underway through which my soldering skills have improved to the point of having constructed a couple of etched kits. I still hope to show weekly progress in 2mm though.


The inspiration comes from the Box file layouts of BCN Pete, the neatness and compactness triggered a desire to build my own version. I hope to keep the entire layout including fiddle yard to a single box file. A second boxfile may be required for stock; hopefully this won’t be seen as too much of a cheat.


So, basic rules I’ve set myself:-

  • Layout, scenery, buildings, back scene and Fiddleyard to fit in a foolscap boxfile.

  • Easitrac plain track with copper clad points

  • DCC control.

  • As much of the stock as practicle is to be built to 2mm scale re-wheeled N guage will only be used as a temporary stand in.

  • Weekly progress ( I have a great job, but it is demanding and requires a lot of travel, I also compete in triathlons for which training sucks time, then of course there’s the family…..)

  • Oh! and to actually finish it, I have a habit of dabbling in something and moving on!


All help, advice, support and constructive criticism gratefully received.

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Argos, welcome to the 2mm newbie blog club! I'm in a similar position, having made one easitrac point semi-successfully (it has a few tight spots I need to shake out) and just started work on a copper-clad crossover (which I will bury in 'concrete' once it's running smoothly). Looking forward to seeing how things progress. Were you able to identify the reason your easitrac point didn't work?


I can also identify with the last 2 points, although I substitute triathlons for cross-country...


...and just to beat Pete to it, do post a track plan when you have one!



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  • RMweb Gold

...and just to beat Pete to it, do post a track plan when you have one!


I'm becoming a bit predictable in my old age I see :laugh:


Welcome Argos and many thanks for the mention.


Are you going to build the layout inside the boxfile or use the boxfile to constrain the dimensions? I tend to prefer the latter method but there are many excellent layouts on here built within boxfiles which are well worth looking at too.


Good to see that 7mm / 2mm interest as well...;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Kaolin, Thanks for the words of encouragement.


The reason for the failure with easitrac point contstruction was propably impatience on my part. I found the seperate chairs too fiddly to slide on the rail properly and went through about half a dozen sprues for one point. The when glued down the whole thin just felt too fragile to last. I am happy with copper clad contruction having built serveral 7mm points with this method, although I have moved onto timber sleepering with Exactoscale (now C&L finescale - www.finescale.org.uk ) Chairs. I quite enjoy the process of point building although I am looking forward to the reduced amount of filing in 2mm as compared with 7mm!


Nick, Thanks for the support.


Pete, you are the guilty party! not just for this blog, but your 7mm adventures were one of the blogs on here to stop my dreaming of infinite space and get and build something in 7mm in the space I had available. So thanks for the unknown boot up the Jacksey!


In answer to your question, the boxfile will house the layout, essentially 2 boards of half boxfile width, either hinged or plugged together, the fiddle yard will fold under one of the boards. I hope to post tomorrow along with some pictures and drawing which will hopefully explain more (have pity, they won't be as neat as yours, I am only an ex QS!). I have a roughed out pencil plan and a templot version underway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Guilty as charged!


Thanks, but my 7mm stuff has just been all talk at present...for fear of not pushing my wife too far :)


In terms of the fiddleyard boards folding under, perhaps try a few card mock ups first. My KIAB layout originally planned to do that, but when playing with a limited max depth (my current project allows me 68mm with a Wilko boxfile) then space for track, electrics and gubbins etc eats up prime space...


I look forward to watch the build ;)

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Good luck and welcome to the world of 2mm modelling!


My current experience of stuff 2mm scale, is re-wheeling some Farish wagons, starting the building of 2mm 16T minerals and building some track using copper-clad sleepers. My new layout will use easitrac for the main boards and copper-clad construction for the sector plate/fiddle yard.

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