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Out to Grass

Tony Simms


Ongoing work to make the new platform "disused"!


From the last post, you will have seen the groundwork around the platform painted but ungrassed. This was the first job. I used a slightly longer grass this time using 2.5mm and 4.5mm fibres of "fall", "winter" and "hay" mixed together. Some trimming will be required and then I shall dust with the airbrush using a light straw shade. Similarly, the bushes which are bits of Woodland Scenics in (supposedly) "Dark Green", will require shading to fit into the late summer/early autumn period. Previously I have airbrushed this in, but I have been messing with brushed acrylics on test pieces and may go down that route. In any event they will require some more work:




The platform surface has been dotted with various bits of the aforementioned Woodland Scenics as well as some 2.5mm Mininatur fibres in "winter" shade. The van body was glued into position once the grassing was done:




The shape of the layout does mean that photos along the line tend to have a non-model background. I've tried some photoshopping before and here is another go:




Next up, I need to finish off the wooden platform extension across on the other side of the tracks.

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Last picture is great, it makes it look real.. and like the clouds are gathering of there Vale of York :D Looking forward to seeing Brafferton again.


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Thanks for the encouragement folks. The fibres I've been using are Mininatur which I bought online here: http://mutineer-miniatures.org.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=24


I used Greenscenes flock cement and a home made static shaker based on an electronic flyswat. I'd bought a similar item from Greenscene, but it was badly made and soon failed. I used the same design, but made it more robust.


The grass adjacent to the platform is a mix of various shades in 2.5 and 4.5mm lengths; 1 or 2 ft high I'd guess.

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