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2012 - 2013





Modelling wise 2012 has been a strange year for me. Throughout the year I have moved away from my layout Highclere and spent quite a bit of time 'playing' around with new technologies to me like etching and 3D printing. This has meant that over 2012 I havent really had that much to show for myself, my occasional blog entries have been a bit random and sometimes without meaning. Highclere has taken the hit and I havent really doe much work on it this year with the only notible progress being the fiddle yard which was completed just in time for the Abingdon Show in March of 2012. I will be honest now and say that enthusiasm for the layout has dropped over 2012.


Fotunately my faith in modelling has been helped by the fact I am now Products Officer for the 2mm Scale Association and as a resuly I have been working on a few ideas for the Association.


So, I now am looking towards 2013 and my mind is now thinking about where I am heading and what I want to achieve. Here are some of my thoughts...


1. Carry on with Highclere and hope that my enthusiasm returns. I would love to see the layout finished but its becomming more obvious its a long term project, a much longer term project than I thought when I started it years back. In 2013 the layout currently has two outings in May and June.


2. Continue with the experiments with etching and 3D printing. I enjoy this but I know that it almost always ends in unfinished projects and disjointed bits and pieces as my mind and thoughts jump from one thing to another. I still have alot of ideas and thoughts concerning these technologies that I woild like to try out.


3. I could shelve Highclere for a year (or two) and have a go at a smaller layout, something that is a little more manageable and something that can be built in a much smaller timescale. This of course opens up the potential problem of having another unfinished layout, compounding the problem with Highclere.


As you can see I am struggling a little with direction right now, the result in 2012 has been a lack of finishing any projects and loosing lots of confidence in my abilities. I would like more than anything in 2013 to change this but I really do need to get some direction and more importantly stick to it.


2mm Scale on RMWeb continues to grow and now there are some VERY interesting threads and blogs from prople with some great 2mm content, fingers crossed that in 2013 I do not continue to let the side down...


Your thoughts and ideas on my waffling about would be very gratefully recieved....



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Let the side down?!? Not having that!


Maybe you just need to go with the flow for a while ... not set yourself any targets other than to enjoy what you're doing and see where that leads. If you put yourself under pressure then you're not going to enjoy it and you're going to be even more critical of yourself.


What you've done with Highclere is inspirational stuff for 2mm scale newbies like me and I'm sure you'll get your get your mojo back soon. In the meantime, wave bye bye to the old year and welcome in the new one like a long lost friend.


David V

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Thank you David.


Im glad that some of my work has been inspirational. Over 2012 and previously that has kept me going and producing stuff although it has focused me towards developing new ideas and techniques. I guess I do try to stay of the forefront of modelling and that is not as easy as it seems these days. I guess I need to know where this is all heading really, its not that I am giving up, its quite the opposite, asking here seemed the best way of getting some advice..


I DO want to finish Highclere but its not where my enjoyment is right now, as you say its a hobby after all and I shouldnt get frustrated by it but sadly I do.


Thanks for the reply though David, I wish you a happy 2013 too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now then girl - not the time to get downhearted!  Highclere looks good but there's more to do - when you don't feel it's an imposition or hard work, the attraction of taking it further will come back, I'm sure.


As far as the other things are concerned you seem to be a producer of amazing ideas and turning them into something which is both practical and looks good.  Maybe that was what the challenge was with Highclere, maybe it's a challenge which will return to Highclere - only time will tell so let that one take its course.  And in the meanwhile keep coming out with the new ideas about design, production, materials and so on because there's some truly good stuff there I think.  Get some stuff up to production perhaps and look beyond the engineering challenges maybe?


But above all don't worry about it because the ideas will come and i shall be sitting down at the Didcot show in further amazement (and probably bringing a magnifying glass as well as my specs).

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It's funny how it goes sometimes. I've been using modelling to help me recover from an operation I had in September and it's stopped me going any crazier than I already am ... but at the same time it's become something of a chore instead of being fun. However, I'm pretty sure that once I'm back at work it'll become fun again because it'll revert to being a hobby.


As long as the ideas keep coming for you then I'm sure all will be well.


All the best for 2013.



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You set the standard so high for yourself that it is not easy to achieve. The challenge is rewarding but the road is a struggle. 


I too make little to no progress on the layout (It's gone backwards and not gone forwards this year where I cut out the switch rails and haven't replaced the TOUs yet) because I get distracted by all the other things I want to do, and those I don't or that postpone modelling (a badly sprained wrist and decorating).


I would echo everything Branwell has said thus far except for not setting targets. I like to try and set myself targets to finish just one or two things. Realising what the realistic timescale is has a learning curve because things always take me much longer than I think they will. Don't set many! As an example last summers target was to paint the items atop the bookshelf that were complete and to complete and paint the items very nearly complete. I didn't manage all of them and the target was adjusted. Some models are still not complete, awaiting couplings, but I made a good amount of progress and removed some of the items from my WIP that have languished for many years. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Letting the side down??? Go and wash your mouth out Julia and lets hear no more of that talk :D


Agreed with all the above comments and would suggest why not consider another small layout project perhaps with an exhibition commitment as a target.


It works for me and I think you will come back to Highclere...when you are ready to come back...

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  • RMweb Gold

I can only agree with everyone else here, in no way have you let the side down!


I know exactly how you feel regarding the layout. Even though I have limited time with mine, sometimes I just sit there and look at it, but have no enthusiasm to actually do anything to it! Maybe a sideline project combining some of the new skills you have learnt the last year or so would help keep you in the modelling groove whilst working on Highclere whenever you feel like it? I'd also love to see what you can do in a smaller space!


Happy new year!



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  • RMweb Gold



with a blog extending over 3 years and totalling nearly 130,000 hits prove you are far from letting the side down, rather blazing a trail for 2mm Finescale modelling.


Your modelling is both inspirational and aspirational and has motivated many of us to get out of our armchairs and start modelling, myself included.


I would guess we all go through phases when our hobby becomes a chore, I generally change course for a while (dabble in another era, scale, region or even country) sometimes I leave modelling alone for a period until the bug bits again. It always comes back though.


All the best for 2013 and I

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I can only agree with everyone else's comments and sentiments.  Seeing what you have achieved with Highclere and the ancillary projects that you have documented are what has helped bring me back to the dark side.


After many years away from the hobby a spell of stress and depression a couple of years ago lead me to discover RMweb and gave me the inspiration to begin again on my P4 layout that had been collecting dust in the attic for some 15 years (I like to think that the modelling was also good therapy to help get me back on the straight and narrow).


Since then I have decided to abandon that project and move back to 2mm Scale modelling - A former love that I could never quite get on with because I had failed in the 1980's to produce a working locomotive (I still haven't got one but the advent of chassis kits hopefully will resolve that :-) ) - your (and various others) blog entries were instrumental in that move back to 2mm.


I wish you well in whatever projects you move onto next, and hopefully Highclere will feature in those sometimes.  I look forward to reading about your next project what ever it may be.  All the best for 2013.



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  • RMweb Gold

Keep your chin up girl, your stuff is brilliant. As I said to you the other day, when you push the boundaries the way you do you will have the odd set back. You could do things the easy way or keep inspiring and innovating in the way you have over the last few years. I for one hope you choose the latter.




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Hi Julia -


First I endorse every compliment extended to you in the other posts - 'Highclere' has always been an inspiration.  Others have also commented on what I call the 'Black Dog' in modelling - the occasional loss of direction/inspiration and the oft-occurring wish to 'try something new' (in my case I call it 'Butterfly Syndrome'!)


The problem with this is that we end up achieving very little in the long term.  This came home to me about 12 moths ago with the loss of Peter Denny - to whom the term 'butterfly' could never be applied!  He of course(over a period of fifty years) built the 'Buckingham lines', never deviating from his original goal or parameters.  Consequently, whilst both he and I were involved in modelling over a similar period, he had a layout that was a railway system in miniature whilst I had a succession of baseboards in various scale & gauges collecting dust on their unfinished tops!


I'm just hoping that who ever is in charge 'up there' gives me sufficient time to rectify my mistake!


Congratulations on your 2mm SA appointment BTW - I'm sure we will all benefit from it (but don't let your own modelling suffer!)





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As someone who has let the side down big-style (my last blog update was 18 months ago! :O) it's a bit cheeky of me to offer suggestions, but I thought I'd put a few thoughts down anyway.


Having failed to convince you yesterday that a model of a North Yorkshire railway is the way to go(!), I'd like to see you do a little NG layout but would be concerned that you'd get the same problem as with Highclere in that you'd lose enthusiasm part-way through. Perhaps you could take a bit of time away from the Highclere layout and work on things like locos and stock for it instead. Then when you've finished those you might get the enthusiasm back to do a bit more on the layout itself. I think doing a few 'run of the mill' projects like wagons, coaches, etc. might help your confidence a bit - as others have said, when you're pushing the boundaries of what's possible as much as you have been doing, it gets a bit much if you have a few things that don't work (or take a lot of effort to get working). Some nice anchor-mount tank wagon kits (etched chassis and 3D printed or resin-cast tanks) would possibly satisfy the experimenting 'itch' too. And then when you do finish the layout, you'll have plenty of things to play trains with!


Anyway, I look forward to seeing more blog updates in 2013 regardless of what you decide to do.. :yes:. And maybe I'll restart my blog sometime soon too... :D.



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Thanks for the replies folks. Its definitely where forums like this have its advantages.


I would firstly like to say that I am not giving up or thinking of giving up modelling. True it can be frustrating at times but I enjoy it too much to give in, that and I have invested too much time and money too! I am full of ideas I would like to try out but just cannot seem to get the time to do any of them!


Its fantastic to know that some of my stuff has been inspirational to others, that to an extent is part of what keeps me going and its good to know that I am paving my own way in the 2mm world.That too has its disadvantages though when others use some of my ideas for their own personal gain without any acknowledgement (but that's another discussion).


There has been some great advice posted above so thanks again. To be honest I still don't know where I am heading but one thing I do know is that I have the support of others, its something that the 2mmSA is not short of. I think this year I am going to just go with the flow and see what happens. I really do apologise to the exhibition managers though who keep on asking me to take Highclere to shows though, I can just ask to be patient.


Missy :)


PS Does anyone know where I can find some scale drawings of the W&L steam engines?

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Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway locos. I think it's The Earl/Countess that Julia is looking for drawings for.



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  • RMweb Gold


I have asked on the 16mm group if anyone can point towards a drawing of the Earl or Countess.

My thoughts are that you could go for a micro layout/diorama NG layout which shouldn't be too much of a long haul. On the principle that a change is a good as a rest. I have mentioned before how your blog was instrumental in me returning to 2mm.

Regards Don

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Sorry yes, Andy was right, the Welshpool and Llanfair railway.


I am tempted by a small NG / SG layout but I really need to be 100% convinced myself that it wont end up like Highclere.


Thank you for the help and advice though...

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Keep up the good work- but in your own time. You just do what you want, when you want.

I think your experiments with FUD are interesting, but I'm not sure the technology is yet up to it. That said, without pushing the boundaries, we will never know where the limits are, and I take my hat off to you for your perserverance. 


The enthusiasm will come back, when it's ready.

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Thank you Richard.


I think you are right, 3D printing is nearly there but not quite. Give it a year or two and Im sure it will be a very desirable technology for us modellers.


Thanks for the vote of confidence too...

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