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Ye Olde Shoppes



Next up was a parade of shops. I made a start on this whilst holidaying on the Isle of Barra, staying in the same house as the producers of the BBC's "An Island Parish". Very relaxing - cutting out styrene and looking out over the sound. The shop fronts are stock windows from Langley Models. I found it hard to print the shop signs - the detail isn't fine enough which I assume is down to the quality of my printer. Oh, and look to closely at the bakery and you see there's nothing in it! Bit of an elementary mistake really which I have tried not to repeat subsequently.


I added a market square and memorial (made from styrene and DAS) and a timbered building loosely based (my excuse for not being able to accurately reproduce the real thing) on the Old Court House in Ruthin. Ruthin is a town of many characterful buildings and ideas for modelling.


Ye Olde Shoppes

The Town Square


The market square doesn't look quite right. I experimented with a few market stalls but there's something missing. I don't know what it is. Anyway, I got bored and moved on.

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Perhaps the missing something in the market square is people? There's always someone going about their business, or just loitering, in the centre of town.



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