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The Hotel



I have several motives for writing blogs (I have another one on Google). First is to leave a record for my grandchildren - I would love at least one of them to be motivated to take up this absorbing hobby at a much earlier age than I. Second, I have discovered a whole community of fascinating and friendly bloggers. Third, because it's a very good way for me, a relative newcomer, to pick up lots of helpful tips directed specifically at what I am doing. For example, Scanman (Ian), took the time on my Thatched Cottage recommended to me a book I'd never heard of, Cottage Modelling for Pendon, which is now on order. And Halfwit (Paul) suggested on The Olde Shoppes post that the town square need busying with people. A good and helpful observation. Thank you Ian and Paul.


Anyway, this model started out as a model based on (that cop out phrase again) The Old Rectory where Sir John Betjeman once lived - voted the finest parsonage in 2008 apparently. My small grandson said it was a hotel. I have no idea where that came from, but hotel it is. The iron work of the sign is made from tubular styrene. It looks overscale so if anyone has any other ideas for wrought ironwork then please let me know. Preferably not metal - I'm too cack handed to work metal.


Jayman Hotel


The Jayman Hotel


Round the back is a fountain made of DAS. Well, it's supposed to be a fountain but the fish looks odd, I'm going to have another go.....eventually. There are lots of other unfinished jobs I will get round to.....one day.


I see that the wretched low backscene makes an appearance again in both photos. It won't happen again. A second, better, layout is already beginning to take shape in my head. I'll finish this one first of course ..............

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Recommended Comments

A nice piece of modelling - preservation in miniature!  With rgard to the hotel ironwork, check out 'Scalelink' etchings.  They do a sheet of assorted sign-frames, clockfaces etc.  Little if no soldering required.  A little expensive but worth it!





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Thanks Ian.  Just had a look and there's a load of good stuff there. Could be an expensive find!  Chas.

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