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It's all happening at once!



In my last blog entry a month ago I mentioned that I had begun the hunt for layouts to make up the 2013 Weston on Trent model railway show. With plenty of time until the November date I was expecting things to move slowly! I was wrong! The period around the school's half term break produced a rather manic spell when everything seemed to happen at once!


It all started with a visit to the Sileby show where I had discussed the show with three layout owners. One of these was booked and another is on the reserve list. Then I went to Trowell and was offered the chance to have the Moxley Heath O gauge layout again. This was duely booked and things started to take shape. And then it happened - my email went into meltdown. Not a day went by without at least one show related email and some came completely out of the blue - like the message from the owners of last year's exhibit - Guy's Cuttings, offerring to return with one of their other layouts. These were N gauge monsters and led to some hasty remeasuring of the hall before I could finally feel confident that I can squeeze their 21 foot long Watts Crossing layout into the show.

Other emails brought even more exhibits. One owner responded to my request for his layout, agreeing to come and offerring to bring his mate with him, complete with an additional 009 model. The offers just kept on coming.


I was feeling fairly settled that things were progressing well...then I went to the Mansfield show. I had always intended to visit, and also wanted to chat to another exhibitor as well as having a first look at their layout. Not only did I do that, I came away with other potential exhibits too. During the day I spoke to a couple of other layout owners, both were keen to attend this year's Weston show. Apologies to them that I haven't yet been in touch. I will be soon!


Following the Mansfield show I was finally able to sit down and take a breath. All of a sudden the floor plan was looking a lot more full. In fact my problem could now be fitting everyone in. I was speaking to our headteacher's husband at a school social the other night. He suggested I look at trying to blag another classroom. He may have a point - especially as offers kept on coming. I arranged the final trade stand for the event - they offered to bring their layout too! Then I was walking around Burton toy fair. My dad, who was standing the event, called me over. A gentleman had picked up a leaflet for the Weston show and was wanting to bring his minic motorway layout!!! I really could not believe it!


So as I write this blog I have 16 layouts as good as booked. If I add those from the Mansfield show I will have 19, and I could push the total up to 21 with those two recent offers. Things really have come together, and it has definitely all happened at once.......


The layout

If the progress on the show was not enough - the same period brought a significant development with my show layout. The Skaleby and District council have formally passed the planning consent for the extension to the line. In real terms my wife has given me permission to construct the second scenic board. The wood is on order and so I can start to develop my plans. At present I plan to build the second board to fit at the goods shed end of Skaleby West, providing an extra run from station to fiddle yard. I plan to represent a little more of Skaleby village on this board, and have bought a couple more Skaledale buildings for this purpose. More updates soon.


Until next time....

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Can you provide a little advise?


Im not a member of a model club, but im building a layout that if it was good enough I would like to try and exhibit, how would I go about doing this

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Hi Paul

I'm not a member of a club at present either. The event I am organising is on behalf of the school in order to raise funds. My show layout has only ever attended my own show, although it is available for others.

 My advice is - when you know your layout will be complete to try to get in touch with event organisers to offer your layout for display. Contact details can usually be found in the show guides of modelling magazines, there are also various blogs on exhibitions in the appropriate section of RMWeb - you could post on one of those, or contact the person who started the thread privately. When visiting a show you could ask stewards or people on the pay desk to put you in touch with the show manager who may consider you for future years.

 I hope that helps. In theory when you get your layout into a show it may be seen by other exhibition managers who will discuss the possibility of you attending their show. The 2010 Silver Link book "More Layouts for Limited Spaces" has a useful chapter on exhibiting your layout.


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