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Ruined Abbey. (Don'td be afraid).



No doubt most of you will be at Alley Palley for the show (count yourselves amongst the lucky ones).

This week’s blog is something a little different. A scenic item that was made as a compromise to a Hogwarts Castle that would fit in with the Goathland Layout. Whitby Abbey! My attempt is more a representation of it than a true model. The pictures on the internet (Not been lucky enough to see it in the flesh/stone) fall into my category of "Just crying out to be modeled".


Construction utilized some old Linka moulds I picked up in a high street toy store well over 20 years ago, the full set with 12 rubber moulds for £5!!! I cast these using two part casting plastic and built up arched windows and a side section out of which new RV rubber moulds were made then these were cast again in two part plastic over and over (a speedy process). The whole lot was hot glued together on an MDF base and spray painted.


The abbey is situated on a lift off scenic plywood box that sits over the tunnel and hides the sharp curves that exit the layout to the fiddle yard.


This week has seen a repaint in my preferred style of blackened stone found more in the Pennines.

Credit to Mrs. Sasquatch for her wonderful scenic work and her endless patience!


measurements: 17½"L x 10½"D x 8½"H






Here are some more pictures as requested. This time without messing about in picasa3.

The back side has not been modeled as it is hardly ever seen, so no views from the other side.

Shame you don't like my stormy sky Halfwit, I'll try and take some more later but posty just knocked on the door with something new from Heljan so much too engrossed right now.




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That looks superb, really atmospheric, but can we see a pic. of it without the distracting background please?



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  • RMweb Premium

It does look a little creepy huh! Maybe because there arn't people, animals or cars?

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It looks even better without the stormy background (its not that i didn't like it, it just distracted from the modelling) - thanks for editing.


Prieser make a HO vampire, and a grim reaper...



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  • RMweb Premium

The Grim Reaper would definately fit the bill. Am going to the Model Railroad Fair in Eugene next month and should find one there hopefully. 

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Like this a lot! the first pictures have a great foreboding look. And the last two show your handy-work nicely. (Does Mrs.S take commissions??)

What a great entrance to a fiddle yard.... Abandon hope all ye who enter here!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the encouraging comments.

Once I manage to give Mrs Sasquatch a nudge in the right direction (usually a trip to a sushi restaurant, or home made roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings) she really gets stuck into it. In 2011 she did 90% of Goathlands scenics in 4 long weekends! She even goes to the local hobby store and comes back with bags full of scenics. One time she accompanied me on a trip up to Roseburg and raided the "Macs Tracks" Noch scenic section to the point where you could see $ $ signs in Macs eyes! Not sure about commisions though. 

More of her work on this page which also shows CGrahams layout.



My next blog will cover base board joints and will show how I did the tunnel!

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True Gothic modelling, I love it! I really like the colouring and the way you have managed to keep the mortar relatively clean. I can almost hear the thunder and the screams...great work!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs. Sasquatch here....ahem... so yes, l-o-n-g... grueling hours on scenery with nightmares of what was to come on my days off.  Four three weeks prior to train show. Honestly was a grumpy  Mrs. Sasquatch. Only hope this year Mr. Sasquatch is content with taking one of his existing layouts.  

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As you know I love this so much I have sought out Linka moulds in a hope of emulating your work. VERY inspiring.And thanks again for your kindness in providing details on your Goathland layout thread. Have you considered making copies and selling them for Warhammer enthusiasts? or will Mrs Sasquatch want to strangle me.? 

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So impressive, it makes me want to cry over my own inadequacies. :(

A friend of mine, who used to live in Northumbria, and I were on a business trip to Canada, and we latched on to a tour of a forest (or something that I can't remember). As the tour guide pointed out that the trees were almost a thousand years old, Mike turned to me a grinned "oh, so almost as old as Whitby Abbey then!"

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