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That's looking very nice. I built a version a while ago and yours looks spot-on. I made the mistake of making the stairs too wide, and I'm glad to see you didn't fall into that trap!




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I can't take any credit for that - the stairs themselves were ready made!


Yes, I've been looking at your model - I think our proportions are a little different although I probably worked from the same front view that you did. Did you add a stovepipe and if so did you find out where to put it?



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I did put a stovepipe on, towards the lh end. I must have worked from photos that my customer had sent me...I will go and have a look just now for them on my hard drive.



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Just compared my model to the "face on" photo...... the basic proportions are correct it seems, but the top landing is too high. I used a ready-made door (Airfix) and lined it up so the top of the door frame was the same height as the top of the window frames, just as in the prototype and in your model.... so the height of the top landing was dictated by the height of the door....  Another discrepancy is the size of the top landing - which again was dictated by the width of the door (the landing needed to be big enough for it to open onto). Moral of the story - don't take short cuts with ready-made components!

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It looks fine, though. It still captures the feel of the box and will do the more so as you put more work in. I still feel there's something wrong with mine as apart from the steps, the inside space is just too small. Oh well!



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Yup. It is now built. I have started painting it and in my humble opinion it certainly looks the part. I'm not intending to add an interior so the internal space is not so important. I haven't worked out how to make the external lamp but will keep my eyes open at the next exhibition I go to. I seem to remember that Ratio make some lamps, or I may go for a real one.


Anyway I will post a "completed" photo.



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That's a pretty fine model, Chris. Im building the same box at the moment, but I'm scratch building everything. I reckon I need to stop being a skin flint and invest in some styrene though...


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It's very much a work in progress, but for a first signal box, it's not looking too bad...

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That's terrific - really good................ I didn't spot there was a door in the brickwork under the stairs - makes sense that there would be one. No one can get into the interlocking room on my model!  How did you make your windows?


I put a picture of my finished model in my gallery but cannot work out how to link it to this comment - so you'll have to go somewhere else to look at it.



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Thanks Chris. I'm still wondering if I need to cut a lintel out for the locking room door. I did a bit more to it after that and added a basic roof. I blogged about it over on my blogger blog: http://www.lnrmodels.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/a-diversion-signal.html


The window frames were drawn in a drawing package on the computer and then cut out in self adhesive vinyl on a signwriting vinyl plotter - the panes peeled off leaving behind the frames, which were then applied to a thin piece of acetate and glued behind the window frames.


I've just found your finished box - looks very good. I'll be painting mine in LMS colours...

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