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G’day everyone.


Over the past few weks, I have finished cladding the goods shed and have made a start on the roof. Basically it’s just a bit of corrugated plastic sheet cut to size and laminated to a piece of thick card (also cut to size), then repeat for the other half of the roof.










In the last two pics, the two halves of the roof are just sitting in place with friction, so I could see how dark it was inside. The parts of the foamcore where I’ve cut around the doors and windows were only just visible, so once the doors are glued on and rollingstock is in the way once it is positioned on the layout, from normal viewing distance, seeing the gaps shouldn’t be a problem.


I have also begun adding the stumps to the shed. So far, only the stumps around the edges of the structure have been added, the remaining 29 will get added over time.










The roof is again being held on with friction in the last two pics.



In other news, my trip to the Brisbane show on May 4 has resulted in me finally getting couplers for the two wagon kits I've started, as well as the required paints. I also bagged a new book on QR history, a set of level crossing signs for my unfinished 2011 Challenge diorama and another kit for the workbench. I'll elaborate on the kit when I start construction, but that won't be until I've got everything else I need to complete it. I'll give you a hint though, when finished, it will be green.


Well, for now at least, that's all folks! Comments and criticism welcome as usual.






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Ahh...I see what you did there with that title!


Looking better every time I pass through here. I still can't wait to see it finished.

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And there was me expecting to see some action from the England, New Zealand test match.


Looks good.

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Cheers for the comments guys, I can't wait to see it finished either!


Just a quick update on the shed, I finished adding the stumps today and glued the steps on.




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