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Backdrops and invasions



00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge


by 10800


original page on Old RMweb


Comment posted by <H3 class=first><A href="#p313532">Re: Proposed 00 Withered Arm (or anywhere) roundy-roundy on Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:59 pm


A solution to this is to file a soldering iron bit to the shape of the wheel profile, and run it along the top of the rail. This will melt just enough plastic off the top of the chair jaws to clear the wheels.

Or you could use SMP and save 50% of the cost?





??? posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:26 pm


Last week I started looking for places to take a photographic panorama from for the backscene. After studying OS maps for likely viewpoints I found a couple and took some trial shots. This is just one of 15 in a possible 180-degree panorama that gives the impression of what I am looking for. I may go back and repeat them later in the Spring in varying light conditions, but the muted effect at the moment is quite good, with the Dartmoor hills coming out purplish which is just right. I also note the view is very similar to that on Jon Winnett's father's layout 'Chagford' (viewtopic.php?f=9&t=16682) which is not surprising since these were taken near Drewsteignton.




I also took some photos at Fingles Bridge near Castle Drogo (what is this, Lord of the Rings? icon_rolleyes.gif ) of the River Teign which shows the width and form of the river that will be crossed on the layout. Forget the bridge here, nice though it is, and the wooded valley - I'm just looking at the colour, rocks and patterns of turbulence characteristic of a peat and humic acid-laden moorland stream. Sometimes the bed is almost bronze in apparent colour - has anyone ever used metallic bronze paint as a component of the stream bed colour, or mixed in with varnish for the water itself?








??? posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:46 pm


10800 wrote:

beast66606 wrote:

it will be DC

From the decoder to the motor only I hope

No final decision yet on that one Dave! Initially this one will probably be DC throughout, but who knows later on!

With the trackplan the way it is, wiring it in such a way that it is easily switchable from DC to DCC will be a doddle, which is exactly the same as what we will be doing on the DRAG Mk2 test track. So guest appearances, whether chipped or not, will be easily accommodated - even DC on one line and DCC on the other.


Comment posted by SweeneyTodd on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:57 pm


Probably shouldn't post this , but i've been watching and reading all post's in the layout topic area for weeks and i thought i'd say what a perfect layout idea this one is ....


It's got everything , a scenic area , a fiddle yard , a bench , it looks part portable , and it's a roundy where trains can run round and round for ever if the mood takes ...


So i'd like to say "Brilliant" will be watching this develope.




Comment posted by Captain Kernow on Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:21 am


Alan Smithee wrote:

A solution to this is to file a soldering iron bit to the shape of the wheel profile, and run it along the top of the rail. This will melt just enough plastic off the top of the chair jaws to clear the wheels.

Or you could use SMP and save 50% of the cost?



I agree, this seems to be the more obvious solution, particularly if Rod doesn't need to depict the full thickness of the sleepers, which the Exactoscale stuff would provide (would not be an issue if modelling fully ballasted track, well-maintained with proper shoulder etc.)



??? posted on Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:47 am


Captain Kernow wrote:

I agree, this seems to be the more obvious solution, particularly if Rod doesn't need to depict the full thickness of the sleepers, which the Exactoscale stuff would provide (would not be an issue if modelling fully ballasted track, well-maintained with proper shoulder etc.)

This is the plan - I have some Carr's chamfered cork strip somewhere which I will probably use for this. Incidentally, just checked one rail of some Exactoscale P4 fast track with a Bachmann N, and there don't seem to be any clearance problems with that, nor even the Limby 121.


Comment posted by Captain Kernow on Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:57 am


10800 wrote:

Incidentally, just checked one rail of some Exactoscale P4 fast track with a Bachmann N, and there don't seem to be any clearance problems with that, nor even the Limby 121.

That makes the problem with C&L track all the more frustrating!! Grrrrr!!! icon_evil.gif icon_evil.gif icon_sad.gif



??? posted on Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:41 pm


No, I haven't finished it already, but here is some of the fresh-out-of-the-box stock posing on 'Wouldham Town'.


Ivatt tank on passenger (Van C, Bulleid SO and two Maunsell BSKs)






N rescues failed Bubblecar icon_razz.gif icon_mrgreen.gif





Comment posted by davidpk212 on Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:26 pm


Bloody hell, I thought that was it for a moment.


Comment posted by Forevagrey on Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:15 am


Nice layout


Comment posted by Metropolitan on Tue May 13, 2008 5:18 am


So it's true! icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif I never though I'd live to see the day!


And what a great design Rod. You'll get plenty of fun for your bucks without doubt! icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif


It's not dissimalar to my layout. If you are going to go DCC I'd do it from the start. Despite all my efforts I haven't been able to convert my layout from DC.


Comment posted by nevardmedia on Tue May 13, 2008 5:48 am


I seem to have discovered this one a little late icon_redface.gif

Fab idea, simple is best! The time saved by not having to worry about complex pointwork etc could be put into some really hot scenery - a sort of super sized moving diorama........ icon_thumbsup2.gif


I'd like to do something like this, but shoe horn Midford and the viaduct in - one day, and just one point where the double track becomes single.


Wouldham Town ....mmm, probably my favourite 'biggy' this year, it's so fresh (despite its age) and photogenic.


Comment posted by D.Broad on Tue May 13, 2008 7:24 am


There is a lot of hidden area in relation to the scenic part, and the crossover looks unusable, perhaps crossovers on the curves at the ends of the layout would be more practical.



??? posted on Tue May 13, 2008 7:51 am


D.Broad wrote:

There is a lot of hidden area in relation to the scenic part, and the crossover looks unusable, perhaps crossovers on the curves at the ends of the layout would be more practical.

Hi, and welcome.


The scenic part is relatively short because I don't want any sharp curves on view. The crossover is only there to enable me to 'shunt' trains occasionally from one circuit to the other without handling - operation will just be a sequence of runpasts.



??? posted on Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:11 pm


I'm mulling over the potential for running the Ilfracombe portion of the Devon Belle in due course, using Hornby's past, present and future Pullmans. Based on recent issues of BRILL and my Pullman bible, I've come up with the following formation for the late period of the Belle (1953-ish). Whilst not all of these cars ran together at this time, they all ran on the Devon Belle at some point and the configuration is correct. So, from the locomotive for the down train:


Brake 3rd 54 (new Devon Belle add-on pack - the info on the box is right, the publicity saying 64 is wrong, different type of car)

Kitchen 3rd 61 ('old' Devon Belle train pack with Watersmeet)

Kitchen 1st IBIS (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Parlour 1st ROSEMARY (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Parlour 3rd 208 (actually a Guard 3rd - from new add-on pack)

Kitchen 1st MINERVA (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Kitchen 3rd 31 (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Brake 3rd 27 (from new Devon Belle set with Wadebridge)

Observation 13 (from new Devon Belle set)


MINERVA was actually rebuilt for the Golden Arrow in 1951, but the layout will also be a fictitious place, so there!


The question now arises, before I get too carried away, on whether the West Country will pull nine coaches? I can improve the rollability by removing the pickups for the lights which I don't really like anyway - too yellow, dinner by sodium light! - but since I haven't got a Bulleid Pacific yet can anyone advise on their haulage capability? If marginal, is there space inside the casing to stick slabs of lead sheet to increase the weight?


Comment posted by Graham_Muz on Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:51 pm


10800 wrote:

The question now arises, before I get too carried away, on whether the West Country will pull nine coaches? I can improve the rollability by removing the pickups for the lights which I don't really like anyway - too yellow, dinner by sodium light! - but since I haven't got a Bulleid Pacific yet can anyone advise on their haulage capability? If marginal, is there space inside the casing to stick slabs of lead sheet to increase the weight?

Hi Rod


I have had a Hornby West Country pulling 6 Hornby Pullmans along with my 00 works brass observation car on my club layout with no apparent issues.

I know that a friend of mine George Reeve had one struggle with a full 14 coach Belle rake on his garden railway but that included a gradient or two (he has since fitted a Teshendo Spud in place of one of the bogies on the Brake 3rd Pullman and the rake copes fine!) I would have thought that nine up would be OK especially if you do remove the coach light pick ups.



??? posted on Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:59 pm


Graham_Muz wrote:

I would have thought that nine up would be OK especially if you do remove the coach light pick ups.



Comment posted by sunshine coast on Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:09 pm


Rod ,

I can check out the haulage of the West Countrys on my circuit in the loft later on this week with a pile of Pullmans ....it is currently running a T9 6 wheel tender with 12 Maunsells on ..! 70'+ round and round ...


Regards Trevor... icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif



??? posted on Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:34 pm


That'd be great Trevor, cheers! icon_biggrin.gif


Comment posted by Captain Kernow on Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:20 pm


10800 wrote:

I'm mulling over the potential for running the Ilfracombe portion of the Devon Belle in due course, using Hornby's past, present and future Pullmans.


Brake 3rd 54 (new Devon Belle add-on pack - the info on the box is right, the publicity saying 64 is wrong, different type of car)

Kitchen 3rd 61 ('old' Devon Belle train pack with Watersmeet)

Kitchen 1st IBIS (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Parlour 1st ROSEMARY (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Parlour 3rd 208 (actually a Guard 3rd - from new add-on pack)

Kitchen 1st MINERVA (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Kitchen 3rd 31 (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Brake 3rd 27 (from new Devon Belle set with Wadebridge)

Observation 13 (from new Devon Belle set)

And just think how long it would take to convert that lot to P4......!! icon_twisted.gif icon_twisted.gif icon_lol.gif icon_wave.gif


Comment posted by nevardmedia on Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:02 pm


Captain Kernow wrote:

10800 wrote:

I'm mulling over the potential for running the Ilfracombe portion of the Devon Belle in due course, using Hornby's past, present and future Pullmans.


Brake 3rd 54 (new Devon Belle add-on pack - the info on the box is right, the publicity saying 64 is wrong, different type of car)

Kitchen 3rd 61 ('old' Devon Belle train pack with Watersmeet)

Kitchen 1st IBIS (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Parlour 1st ROSEMARY (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Parlour 3rd 208 (actually a Guard 3rd - from new add-on pack)

Kitchen 1st MINERVA (from VSOE pack but bought singly)

Kitchen 3rd 31 (from Bournemouth Belle add-on pack)

Brake 3rd 27 (from new Devon Belle set with Wadebridge)

Observation 13 (from new Devon Belle set)

And just think how long it would take to convert that lot to P4......!!

Could always stick to OO and build a whole layout instead in the same time icon_clap.gif icon_twisted.gif

I'm running for the coat stand .......



??? posted on Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:03 am


nevardmedia wrote:

Captain Kernow wrote:

And just think how long it would take to convert that lot to P4......!!

Could always stick to OO and build a whole layout instead in the same time

I'm running for the coat stand .......

That's the beauty with this layout - due to commence construction sometime soon - instant gratification icon_winker.gif


(Eye level viewing, no pointwork in the scenic section, no-one will ever know ... ) icon_mrgreen.gif


Comment posted by BlazeyBridge2 on Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:31 am


Hmm the North Cornwall Line...

Engines the wrong shade of green.....

Signals that go Up, not Down....


But apart from that its perfect! icon_biggrin.gif


Comment posted by Jim49 on Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:17 pm


Rod, you shouldn't have any problems with a Spam Can hauling 9 Pullmans. Mine will comfortably handle 10-12 Bachmann Mk1s which are fairly heavy and not the most free-running coaches available.




Comment posted by sunshine coast on Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:55 pm



experimental haulage with Unrebuilt W/Cs on my circuit which is not perfectly flat ,with 9 pullmans on ..they do not like it !!

7 no problem ..8 beginning to slip ...9 slip to a halt in a couple of areas with slight adverse grade ....

suggest more weight required...


surprisingly the T9 ...had the same results ... icon_eek.gif


will do more tests with other locos later on ..


Regards Trevor ... icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif




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