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The Plan... (Part 2)



A short post this time...


With regards to some comments to part 1 of this post, here attached is the plan I've been working to / off. Sort of. Obviously I've added the bridge at the left hand end to mask the exit to the fiddle yard, but other than that it's pretty much the same.


Well, to my eye it is, feel free to differ in opinion! I will, as ever, give all comments and feedback due consideration.


The map & my plan then: (note one is upside down relative to the other!)



Picture courtesy of RMWebber Piskey (I think) who runs this excellent website: http://www.northcornwallrailway.co.uk/




Thanks for the comments, keep 'em coming!


Chuffs away!


Cap'n Biggles


Recommended Comments

Hello Cap'n


Just a thought, but how are you going to turn trains around in your fiddle yard? I think you need to put a run-round loop in as a minimum (or use removeable cassettes as Missy suggested).


Sometimes building exactly to the prototype plan isn't the best option - by removing sidings and/or shortening others, you can create a trackplan that still looks like the prototype but allows you to include a bit more scenery or approach track. There are some good illustrations of how to do this in Barry Norman's book on layout design (published by Wild Swan) which is well worth a read.


I won't pretend that 2mm is for everyone - it is very much a modeller's scale in that you have to build your own trackwork, etc. (or pay someone to do it for you!). The main visual difference is in the trackwork - even with Peco Code 55 there are compromises. Take a look at some of the photos on the 2mm website to see what I mean. If you don't fancy converting all your locos, there is some finer track starting to become available in N (or you can use 2mm components to make N gauge track). Tom E's 'Ropley' blog on here is a superb example of this.


Anyway, good luck with the project.



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Thanks for the comments and reading list Andy, I'll take a look. I like the thought of 2mmFS, and consider myself a modeller's modeller, but until I retire in 35+ years time my hobby time is finite! :-(




With regards the fiddle yard, tbh that's only a rough layout but I ran out of "bits" in the free version of AnyTrack so that's as far as the design got. Comment about turning trains round duly noted. Tbh I may well put something like a sector plate or cassette system where that kick-back is. There's plenty of playing still to be done with the fiddle yard layout for sure.

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Me again....


 but until I retire in 35+ years time my hobby time is finite! :-(


Ignoring the 2mm finescale for now, you seem to be concerned about timescales. Have you got a timescale in mind then? The reason why I ask this is for most, its a hobby and it doesnt matter how long it takes you to do something, the important thing is that you enjoy yourself. I am probably one of the slowest modellers on this site but I dont care! I am enjoying myself...

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It's not about timescales per se, but about how best to spend the time I do have. 2mm finescale looks stunning, and maybe one day I shall, but (I suspect) in the time it'd take me to do the trackwork in FS I could be sharing my layout with my young nephews, driving trains & taking a scenically developed layout to exhibitions.



I guess I'd sum up my feelings thus: remember i am just rediscovering the hobby, if I was starting out in 4mm, would you be so keen for me to do so in EM or P4?



Edit: Totally agree that this hobby is about enjoyment, and for me, part of the enjoyment comes from seeing progress & feeling like I'm getting somewhere. That said, I do also enjoy the detailed "engineering" side of things too, so maybe I'll build a yard crane to super-detailed standards!

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Hello Cap'n.


As I said, my comment wasnt regarding 2mm finescale. I have been to enough shows and things to know when and when not to push something like that, its ultimately your decision, no-one elses! My original comment was a very poor attempt at making sure you were aware of other options, especially as you are starting out a fresh.


The point that I was trying to make was that if you give yourself a timescale, especially a unrealistic one (Im not saying you are btw) its when compromises happen. Things you will never be happy with and then the chances of you completing them drastically goes down, trust me I know! If something takes ages to complete, alot longer than you expected, then thats how long it takes. Believe me though you will be very proud of what you have achieved.


I have set myself a target with my modelling never to say the words "stuff it, that will do" and although my modelling speed can be called 'glacial', I am very proud of what I have made and achieved so far. I, like the majority of people have a regular 9-5 job and have to squeeze modelling in after that and amongst other, more mundane things.


Missy :)

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After a bit more examination of the rael thing, I think that a large problem is trying to include too much.

The bridge over the inlet is 1km south of the station, so trying to include it I think is a bit of a stretch.

in your selected time period how much fish traffic was there? And were the lines on the Quays still used? if so, for what?

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Thanks guys.


@Missy. Really appreciate the time you've taken to give me the feedback and suggestions of 2mmFS. I am glad you mentioned it and maybe one day I shall. But my point re: timescales is not that I've set myself one or that I intend to rush it, but I have to draw a line somewhere and making my own track / changing wheelsets is, on this layout, where I'll draw that line. Otherwise I'd never get anything done! I too am the kind of person who'll never say "stuff it" and I know what I'm like.


@Rhys. The bridge is there to hide the exit to a fiddle-yard, not because I WANT it in, if you know what I mean. If I could fit just the station in I'd be happy. The lines for the fish sheds etc were all used up until the end, as far as I'm aware.


@Everyone who's commented on it looking cramped. I'll go back to my pen-and-paper version of the layout and look at it all again. But I am surprised that something that looked so sparse "real-size" (i.e. on paper) looks so cramped digitally.

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