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The Red pannier, She Lives!

London cambrian


Anyone who has followed this blog for more than a few posts will notice 2 things...


1. Posts tend to be very long (for which i apologise ;) )


2. I have an ongoing project to rebuild a 5 inch Great western pannier tank to its London transport guise.


But in this shorter installment, the great day has arrived...



After 8 months of work, a few set backs and missing a good few target dates, she's steamed!




A very last minute affair, but we made it to the booked outing last weekend down in the west country.

In the last 3 weeks since the last posting, all the tanks and platework have been painted red, handrails black and everything put together. The during an extended lunch break on the 2nd May, she steamed for the first time in nearly 3 years.


Theres a good few niggle with her yet the tanks arent sealed properly so theres a slow leak out the water feed to the crosshead pump










On the saturday we had a steaming in the afternoon, pottered round the yard a little, did half a lap or so. It quickly became apparent because of a machining fault, the injector would not put water in the boiler. Theres a myriad of small issues we discovered on that first run, but nothing to put us out of action. Small tweaks to be made mostly. So i took the plunge and steamed her up again sunday morning. Pottered round the yard a bit, then did a transfer move with some coaches with a similarly new Pug. A few issues cropped up, but in the end we ran for several hours, just doing light duties, and generally proved it works!

Overall very pleased with it. compared to some engines, especially ones that have been to bits there is very few faults with it, and nothing major. And she sounds fantastic, set up just right, credit due there to grandad!


Sorry no video, maybe next time with a few more last few progress shots. But she's by no means finished, so this saga will carry on a little while longer...



In other news....

Dads latest projects broe cover. a very hush hush quiet project to produce 3 Met railway 4 wheelers in super quick time, started 13th december, finished 29th april! He's done a superb job, the upholstery in the 1st class is the actual material used on the full size...






These were always built to sell to finance the full size van, so we'll play with these for a month or two then they'll go to pastures new. He's already ahd enquiries about more to be made...


and finally a few other pics of the weekend. Thanks again t all the regulars who attended, and the laughs down the pub in the evening!




The amount of western engines present called for a photoshoot...

2 prairies,






a mini swindon line up in 5 inch gauge! And some really fantastic models in there.



the aforementioned pug, very expertly weathered by a mateof ine. I intend to eventually finish mypannier to this sort of scheme! red panniers were never clean!







Hope you enjoy the slightly shorter installment, mainly because off to Harrogate model engineering show tomorrow, so i'll keep it short and sweet.





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A very fine effort Mark, it was good to see it up and running over the weekend and sounding very sweet, nice crisp even exhaust beats. I like to steam/test run my engines at the earliest opportunity to Iron out any little niggles, far better that way than completing 100% and risking damage to paintwork whilst solving issues so you've done the right thing!  

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Hi Mark,


Looking good so far


Is this a model works Pannier, or a "Pansy"?


A very attractive design and indeed we were to buy one in kit form years ago but opted for a Don Young Hunslet instead, not least due to the latter having outside cylinders and being easier to lubricate.


Paul A.

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hey Paul.

this is very defo a pansy, having had a winson brit for a while I wouldn't touch anything modelworks with a bargepole! hehe. if you go back to the first post in the blog there's a pic of when I got it. but they are very good engines and I have slowly been rebuilding/repainting this one now for the last 3 years. something I been working on a while, rebuilding and detailing to LT configuration :)

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I always think it was a real shame about the modelworks engineering faults, as there was some interesting designs. But the rate at which they expanded their range was quite frightening, and ultimately contributed to their downfall.



The Pansy is a robust design, I'm sure she'll give you years and years of running.


It's a very neat job so far, and looks very distincitve and different in LT guise - which I must say suits it very nicely.


Paul A.

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Yeah, i'm afraid what modelworks failed to do was to design, develop and test their products properly. They also had the mentality you could build one of their kits on a tabletop, which is ridiculous, and there really wasn't the for-thought of design going into their products, and quality of build that would be necessary to work. Its only with the likes of Polly are we finally getting almost ready to run and decent kit built engines.


But yes,the pansy is a very robust and strong design. I've driven and known several, always decent engines, once you get them right. fortunately a lot of work to correct the valve gear had already been done to mine, but i've put in a bit of extra time on it myself to sort the rest out.

As to the LT re livery, in my opinion the best they ever carried, and certainly the reason why nearly a third of the panniers we have are still with us. That and the fact only 2 of the preserved 57xx engines (8 in total) didnt come from LT, and the other 2 came from the NCB. My own connection is the large amount of London transport and metropolitan railway rolling stock we have now built. So, a logical choice for a first steam engine, having had several others on loan in the past



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