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Another one down and done

James Harrison


Well, another of my 2013 models is now finished.


Last night it was a fairly simple job to paint out the '2' in '12 tons' and then replace it with a '5' off of the HMRS transfer sheet. It would have been easier to have noticed before that the thinner backing paper for the transfers comes away quite easily from the thicker card-like stock of the main sheet once scored through.


Overall I'm quite happy with it- the van certainly looked the part idly partnered up with my L1 and a couple of Bachmann NE wagons. It's not perfect by any means of course but then I don't think any of my models are. Happily however I do think that it is my best example yet of taking RTR rolling stock and altering it, and I came out of the project with a better idea of how to go about my hack-ups.


Onto the next project then!


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