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Building someone else's layout



Hello all,


Well its a been a while since i posted in my blog so i thought i'd share something i've been building today.


My brother Stuart has recently sold his N gauge layout and a fair bit of stock as he is heading towards married life and with two layout's in two scales it wouldn't have gone down to well with SWMBO, however he started to venture into DCC a while ago and didn't wish to loose his controller or the few DCC loco's he had. Whilst he was going through items to sell on we came to an agreement that i would take some loco's and the odd bit of rolling stock and in return would build a small layout for him to use his DCC system.

What i've built is a small terminus capable of holding four coaches and a loco, there are going to be two platforms, one slightly shorter than the other, a couple of freight sidings with a very small cement yard and a line going into the fiddle yard where there are any number of freight facility's.

I built the boards yesterday out of 9 mm ply, the scenic board is 2' 9'' by 12'' with a 5'' backscene and a matching fiddle yard that fits on top to create a box when not in use.

Today the majority of the track was fitted with modifications to points etc for dcc, point motors fitted and a first fix of the electrics, once the basics where installed it would have been rude not to test it so i connected the controller (NCE powercab) and it shorted straight away, this had me head scratching for a while then i finally realised i hadn't cut the copperclad, what a plonker! Won't be doing that again. Once the little niggles had been resolved trains ran very smoothly and i spent an hour testing things, All in all a fairly productive day, I'm sure Stuart will start a layout thread when i deliver the layout to him but in the meantime here are a few construction pics.








Partially complete fiddle yard with my new toy for testing.








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Thanks alot graham for the hard work you have put in to this it is very much appreciated. Being the size it is I can get away with taking it anywhere. Lets hope SWMBO doesn't mind haha.

Thanks again and I hope the stock you have in return is a fair trade :)


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