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Metropolitan Bo-Bo continues....

James Harrison


The state of play of my Radleys Met Bo-Bo this morning. Frames were sprayed with Revell 'Ferrari Red', body was brush painted in Revell 'Chocolate Brown' as a precursor to spraying in the same colour (which, all being well, I'll do this afternoon). Internally it has a rough coat of matt black and a rough coat of mid-green. Im not too concerned about the finish in here as it won't be visible when the model is finished....





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I do hope that your project comes to fruition, 3D printing is a lot of hard work when it comes to drawing but once you've got it printed it's a lot of hard building work taken away.  Have you considered maybe drawing them up as a set of scratchbuild aids (say, for example, an accurate but basic carriage body) rather than a complete model- it might make it a little easier?  I tried my B5 as a complete model at first, then found it easier to just draw up a basic boiler/ firebox/ running plate model and rely on plastic sheet and brass castings to complete it. 

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We are making progress, I'm very lucky to of found a guy on here who's actually doing rigid 8 Met coaches, and after some talks we are working together on it, he's done some nice work so far, problem is it makes my work look crap haha.
The coach bodies are all built just need checking over and adjustments, on some mouldings.
The bogies and chassis have started to take shape, spent 3 hours last night redrawing the bogie which was a challenge, but changed a lot of things thanks to him who's adjusted them so the bogies are attached with a screw, I would post some images but my photobucket is maxed out haha, so set up a Facebook group.
I did look at just making parts like the body, bogie ect... but because of the unique length... there wasn't really any chassis that would fit... and finding on shapeways interesting coaches... but just the body and no chassis was quite frustrating, I think it would make it more open if all the parts were available... leave it to choice. Then comes the choice of material.
UFD is quite expensive so looking round, may just use white strong and flexible for a test see how they go, but I think it won't be too long till you see something.

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That's very good to hear, glad you're making progress.  I believe the bogies are an absolute pain to find RTR- they're only about 6' in length? 


I used White Strong & Flexible for the B5.  I don't think I would recommend it for fine work.  It was very porous, very obviously 'banded' (ie-you could see the lines where each layer had printed) and as for working it, well the less said the better really.  It didn't like being cut, sanded, sawn, filed, scraped, drilled or anything else.  As a prototype it is useful but I think next time I 3D print something (I'm itching for another Robinson 4-6-0 and I think a 'Sam Fay' would fit the bill nicely) I'd more likely go for the more expensive Fine Ultra Detail. 

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