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7mm Barclay Class 06 - The original post from RMweb3



On the Intercity Workbench: 7mm Barclay Class 06


by IC126


original page on Old RMweb



??? posted on Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:24 pm


I have finally got round to transferring the original posts about my current project - a Right Price Railway Company kit of an Andrew Barclay Class 06.


The main carcass is etched in quite thick nickel silver with some nice lost wax castings. It's quite a basic kit (in my limited experience - this is my second etched kit), but the main parts seem to be forming up quite nicely so far.




Cab side and front sheets. I've punched out the rivet detail and soldered in the window rubbers



Here I've formed the basic shape of the bonnet.

This was the most difficult part for me so far as I don't have any rolling bars and the material was quite thick.

A hammer and a large bench vice did eventually feature in my armoury of weapons used.




Here I've soldered on the fuel tank assembly.

This is where I first started to backtrack. The solid back of the tank projected out too far, preventing this from sitting properly against the cab.




To solve the problem I removed the back wall of the box which formed the tank.

I then re-soldered this to the cab front, together with a piece of scrap etch to locate the back of the bonnet assembly.




...finally allowing me to assemble everything nice and square.




Comment posted by lancer1027 on Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:57 am


Hi, interesting project there. I will be watching this build with interest. icon_thumbsup2.gif



Comment posted by OgaugeJB on Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:47 am


I've heard some not so great stories about 'Right price company' kits, mainly the kettles, B1 etc.. but this is looking very nice indeed... icon_thumbsup2.gif


The chamfer on the front of the bonnet looks great. Did you fill the area inside and then file it down ?





??? posted on Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:49 pm


Thanks for the comments guys.


The radius on the front to the bonnet was achieved by soldering some thick copper wire inside the joint to bulk up the corner and filing down.


It is quite a basic kit and doesn't contain a lot of fine detail (missing things like chassis pipework/valves, brake rigging, etc). Presumably to keep costs low, the main kit is etched from a single piece of quite thick ( 0.030" = 0.70mm) nickel silver. This is fine for some parts, but less suitable for others. For example some parts (such as the steps) are etched to half thickness and the crispness of the edges of these parts seem to suffer a bit as a result.


Overall I'm quite pleased with the basic shape of the loco so far, and if the basic shape is convincing, I can always add additional details.


I originally planned to build the kit more or less as supplied, but already a bit of research on t'internet is drawing me into adding quite a bit more detail. More on research and the chosen loco later...

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Its nice to see someone building a Right Price kit and being fairly positive about it. Most comments I hear are not good on these kits. I have the A4 and while far from perfect it is perfectly acceptable for less than £200.

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