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Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 6





I have been thinking about the height of the backscene, and also about the possibility of a removable part, since the comment of MikeOxon, as a comment to posting 3.


Thanks Mike, I have now recalled seeing a layout at a show, with sky coloured net curtains as backscene, very good is was too, the backscene was about 600mm high, from near track level to the proscenium arch.


With the scenic section well lit, and the fiddleyard in relative darkness, the viewing public were unable to see through the net curtain, but the operator could see the layout, well enough to do some very impressive shunt moves.


The photograph below shows the progress I have made today. Adding the fascia to the fiddleyard to prevent accidental loco and rolling stock falling from the layout.




I have also added a shelf to place the controller when I am not or can not holding it due to the other tasks that require to be done. Such as holing the train cassette in position to run a train onto of off a fiddleyard road.


As an aside I slightly lengthened the front siding in the goods yard. Any extra siding length is a real bonus.




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Good to see the progress you are making.  May I offer another suggestion - I suggest putting a loop on your hand-held controller and then hanging it on one or more strategically placed cup-hooks, when not in use.  The trouble with a shelf is that you will catch the wire and drag it off!



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I did concider the use of an eye on the controller and hooks on the layout, but came down in favour of the shelf, because of the possibility of using one hand to hold the train cassette in place and the other to use the controller.


I take your point, but think I have reduced the problem, by having the sides on the left and back sides of the shelf.



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Have you considered the use of a pocket, for the controller, which clips over the fiddleyard fascia?


This would enable one handed controller use, and reduces or even eliminates the possibility of the controller ending up on the floor.



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