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Heworth Sidings - Update - 09/11/2013





Progress has been a bit slow over the past month or so as Heworth made an appearance at our clubs open weekend (26/27 October). This was only the second time the layout had been run with the basic scenics added and for some of our club members it was the first time they had seen anything but track on bare boards. There were several positive comments about how we had captured the 'winter' look!!!!


On the Saturday it was just a free for all, but on the Sunday we each took turns running either the Up or Down fiddle yard lines as we would at a show. This was done to make sure everybody was comfortable and up to speed with how the layout operated. On the whole everybody managed very well, but we need to do something to help the operators receive trains back into their side of the fiddle yard, as they are generally sat at the exit of the Fiddle Yard some 20' away. It may work better to sit the operators at the entrance to their side of the fiddle yard, but this is something we can work on.


Here is a brief video from the weekend -


Since the open weekend, one of our members has really started getting to grips with the bridge which is the transition between the on / off scene sidings and the dis-mantled bridge over the main running lines, the majority of which is being scratch built from plasticard. I must confess that on the last two occasions I have failed to get any pictures of the work so far, but it is looking very good.


Some work has been done on the Fiddle Yard 'kick-back' sidings, which having been laid over a year or so ago, had yet to be wired up and have point motors fitted.


There's also been some work done researching the typical height and spacing for the catenary masts which we have decided in our case would be around 36mm (18 scale feet) above the rail head. The masts themselves are not going to be hard mounted to the boards and will be attached magnetically, which will give us the flexibility to run the layout as either an electrified or non-electrified line. Here are a couple of pics of a mast against a Dapol 86.






Cheers, Mark.

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Thanks Andy. We had Watt's Crossing up yesterday to make sure everything as OK. Looking forward to next week. Cheers, Mark.

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