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The last week!



As I sit and write this entry there is less than a week to go until the Weston on Trent model railway exhibition. Things are slowly coming together, but there is still so much to do in the next five days.


At present I am working on putting the show guide together. It is almost finished, but still requires information from one layout owner. My aim is to get the guide finished by Wednesday so that it can be printed on Thursday and Friday. This year's guide will run to 12 pages compared to 8 last year.


The raffle still needs sorting. So far we have the usual array of wine and biscuits promised and the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway and Midland Railway have replied to my request with the promise of raffle prizes. Hopefully they will arrive in time. Sadly a number of local preserved lines have ignored the request. I am sure that they receive many requests, but a reply to say no would not go amiss. I have to say the lack of any response from the Great Central is especially disappointing considering I am a working member there! Time yet I suppose. The raffle has been boosted by some railway DVD's which have been donated for this year.


Tomorrow sees the final planning meeting. Hopefully the rest of the staff will provide the same commitment as last year. They did a cracking job on the refreshments and have set high standards for this year.


Finally I still have Skaleby West to finish. Still no final loco roster yet, and still some last minute scenic work to complete. Update to follow on this later in the week.


Until next time...


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Good luck with the exhibition, I'm sure you will have a lot of fun, but you will realise this I suspect after the event, I know how difficult it is getting Loco roster's finished

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you cant be old technology, as for the roster you cant beat a 4F or an Ivatt tank/mogul as you can see from my blog I'm kind of into 4F's at the moment

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you cant be old technology, as for the roster you cant beat a 4F or an Ivatt tank/mogul as you can see from my blog I'm kind of into 4F's at the moment


Old technology??? I meant layout is DC!

Definitely using the Ivatt tank. Considering Ivatt 2MT and 4MT.

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I could have lent you some big engines


Thanks mate. I do have plenty of big engines, but layout will be a bit small for them unless I can get the second fiddle yard passable for Saturday so I can display it as a through station. It has been stuck in garage whilst the house has been on the market. I would quite like to run my weathered Bachmann Jubilees.

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