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3 Way Fun



blog-0682316001384273633.jpgNo not that sort of fun - actually not fun at all! I am , of course, referring to the 3 way point in the small fiddle yard and the fact that I had never actually got it to work properly - something which i had quite forgotten when I decided to make the first foot of the board scenic. Am sure it would still not have been easy but it would have been a bit easier. Anyway, only one road would work so I turned my attention to the wiring. What I found first was that one of the Peco PL-13s was faulty and not doing anything (this makes me nervous - has anyone else had problems with these?). Got a new one and realised that I had actually put them on upside down - stupid! Well that was sorted out but still no luck. I then disconnected the wires and started adding them back in one by one and testing the individual sections. For this a small bleeping continuity tester is ideal. tried all permutations but still nothing. Then brainwave time - I hadn't altered the small factory fitted link wire position. Quickly swapped over and away we go!


Having got that sorted I thought I would try wiring them up only to find that the Capacitor Discharge Unit I bought in the summer is completely dead.


So, gave up on this plan and tested them with a small Simplex loco that was handy only to find that it constantly derailed on the point. Dug out another loco and that was fine. Turns out that because it is so small and low bits of the body were catching on that useless upright pip on the tie bar. Quick knife attack and everything is running smoothly. Am really thinking that I ought to make a start on the control panels though - not looking forward to this.

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I agree - those 3-way points do exercise the little grey cells a bit! 


I used SEEP motors, which have rather basic switches built-in and so far they seem to work ok.  I don't know what they make the actuating rod from on those motors, but they certainly taxed my wire-cutters!

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