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This should not be here; or should it?

Dave at Honley Tank


Well folks, do we keep it - just for fun?

I like the idea of an abandoned branch line. I wonder if I could convert a blog to a bike track?

It exists through some stupid blunder I must have made & I know I can ask Andy to delete it, I did the last time I made presumably the same blunder!

And that's why its still here; Andy will think I'm a right Wally doing it twice. Are you reading this Andy?

Thanks for all the good wishes & happy modelling to all my readers, particularly you three.




Tuffy, can we aspire to nothingness?


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Dave, we should all aspire to something, no matter how little that something is. You've just taken it to its logical conclusion, and I think you're doing a fantastic job. Soon your non-blogs will surpass your blog entries.


You might even start a trend. I for one am thinking of my own non-blog (since I have little enough worth blogging about at the moment), so I will look to you for tips.

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Oh Tuffy, you've now put me into philosophy mode.

Is it possible for nothing to be something?

I suppose that as something tends toward infinity it appears to be nothing but is still something.

Should I perhaps aspire to be infinite?


OH! s** it I'll stick to building locos!!!!!!!!

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As something tends towards infinity it becomes everything, and its reciprocal becomes nothing. But infinity doesn't exist in real terms, so there is no nothing only things that aren't everything.


Alternatively, there's the difference between specialists and generalists:

A generalist knows less and less about more and more, until eventually he knows nothing about everything.

A specialist knows more and more about less and less, until eventually he knows everything about nothing.

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