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Some catching up on jobs

James Harrison


When I wrote about my third attempt at some Robinson stock I was asked if I could get a couple of more detailed photos to show what was involved. Now I didn't get all four of the carriages down to photograph, like I said I would, but I did manage to get down the last carriage I rebuilt and get a few more detailed photographs of it.






The simple black line is sufficient to suggest matchboarding at normal viewing distances.


Next up is my latest locomotive, the B4 'Immingham' class. Since I finished the model and showcased it here I've made a few little changes. I've improved my technique with the cab lining, just going over it again with the paint pens and this time adding the black outer lining. I've repainted the safety valve covers in a brass/ bronze hue, two reasons why: 1) The GC did the same and 2) to my eye it just plain looks better. Not visible in these photos is that I've made an attempt at painting the cab interior. On my 'when I get around to it' list are a set of running plate steps between the leading coupled axles, a proper smokebox dart and brake pipes, couplings and so on and so forth.






Finally, I've started another project. Take a pair of 2P bodies and create ? - I'll let you have a guess before I reveal all....




The cab is the easiest bit to alter- cut away the roof overhang, slightly enlarge the side windows and merge the spectacle plate windows.


On the running plate we cut away the raised section, and the splashers with it.




Then we cut out part of the boiler on the second model between the first and second boiler bands back from the smokebox, and splice it into the first body between the boiler barrel and the firebox.




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