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Improving the brake gear on Heljan's Western - 2



A test run showed that the Heljan Western in the form I left it in the previous post would not go around my curves, inner or outer radius. I had to remove a bit of material from the shoes and hangers and the body skirts. This meant losing some detail from the shoes as well but this is all about the art of compromise and the hangers are mostly hidden from view anyway. However, they are needed to support the end of the wire pull rods.


After grinding away a bit, Western Talisman has completed a circuit of the outer radius facing in one direction without derailing but failed when turned around 180 degrees. This means I am on the right track (a pun??) but more work is required. Once complete, I'll paint and weather the filed edges to disguise them and blend them back in.






Once I sort the bogie swings out, I can try to eliminate the horrible squeak and squeal from one of the brake blocks just rubbing on a wheel tread!


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I did a bit more grinding and filing last night and Western Talisman has now been able to complete laps of the outer circuit and go through the crossovers without derailing. A little more work and I hope to be able to use it on the tighter inner circuit too.

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Continuing the Western brake saga, I have now cut away more of the brake hangers to clear the skirts. This has ended up leaving the leading ones unsupported, so the pull rods are supporting them, rather than the other way around! However, Western Talisman has now completed several circuits without derailing ... on the inner, tighter radius circuit! 

I still have to touch up any unpainted edges and paint those brake shoes and brass wire pull rods. I may try to add some wire supports behind those leading shoes on each bogie just to tighten things up a little.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the result as the Heljan model always looked a little bare around the bogies before. It is now a fitting companion to the Dapol/Kernow model and almost indistinguishable from it at normal viewing distances.

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