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New blog, Introduction

Frappington Jct


Right then. This is my first EVER blog ever, so bear with me...


It's basically on my first layout project 'Frappington'. The layout is a continuous run single track line with a passing loop in the centre of the layout in a three platform station in the centre of the layout, all housed in my loft. It's modelled in 'OO' to anything but finescale! It's set on the Eastern Region of BR in the 1950's, to the east of Doncastor on a fictitious line from Doncastor to Grimsby via Epworth. The Epworth connection allows me to keep open the L&Y branch from Hull as far as Epworth, which gives me the excuse to run some midland engines as eastern branchlines aren't the easiest to stock... Theres also a fictious branch line just of scene to Scunthorpe, allowing for steel traffic (when I have the stock) and bigger engines (possibly.) This is also the cause of the dubious junction.


The name was originally Frappington Junction, a name which had been taken from a previous layout which never really got past track on base boards and there was no hope of scenery. That layout used the same boards as the current layout, but was double track with a branch line, which made it very cramped and hard to operate. As such it was ripped up and replaced by the current plan which includes a much larger goods yard and a small cement works. That also dictated my profile name, as I still was/am calling it as such until I have to actually decide and make station roundels.


Most of the bulidings are kit built, from the usual suppliers. Some of the buildings are ready-to-plant examples, mostly the bigger town buildings (garage, church, firestation) and the cottage and barn on the farm. The ground frame hut and coal staithes are also resin. The only exceptions to this are the yard crane which is a repainted Hornby Thomas model, seperated from it's base and painted grey, and the shed which is scratch built using one wall of a very old shed my Grandad many decades ago. It did manage to survive the hacksawing which it was subjected to though.


Photo's are included below. I do apologise for the quality of the photos, the light isn't very good. I've also included a picture the madness that occurs behind the scenes in my four road fiddle yard. After this pic was taken, I cleared some of the stock off the layout as I had no idea where to put the van train, and I like to have all reguarly used stock within easy reach when assembling trains.

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