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The Nth Degree


This is a small blog serving a couple purposes. Firstly, to document building these wagons for my personal use, and secondly to test out the Blog feature while remaining fairly anonymous.


I have a few ABS wagons to build for my future layout – mostly BR period LMS and LNER opens, plus a few BR brake vans. I bought a small collection of pre-war GWR wagons quite cheaply so thought I could test out a few means and methods of construction before I start on my 'layout' wagons.


I never seem to have the time to get my soldering gear out so I'm exploring the feasibility and longevity of using glue, and to that end I've bought a small supply of various types. Along with a basic toolkit, this is all I'm going to use for these wagons and see how they fare on our club layout with as much rough shunting as I dare.




So this is it. If I use any more I'll add them as I go.


The glue is a fairly thick superglue as recommended by JLTRT, among others. I have a square for aligning sides and ends, a Stanley knife for trimming the castings of flash and pips, a Swiss file bought from my local locksmiths for £5 and a brass pen brush for cleaning the gluing surfaces. As far as I can tell, this is all I'm going to need for the majority of the build.

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<<quote>>This is a small blog serving a couple purposes. Firstly, to document building these wagons for my personal use, and secondly to test out the Blog feature while remaining fairly anonymous.<<>>

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ABS kits are a good choice. I don't say you can't do things to improve them, but as a basis they are among the best. A GW iron mink was among the first few wagons I built in 7mm scale and it's still one of my favourites.

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I didn't think I'd be able to hide away in here for too long... But glad you found me.



ABS kits are a good choice...

I agree! I have a box full of unmade ABS kits and still need more for my grand vision. Happy that I awoke some memories for you.

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