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Why I hate fitting couplings.



blog-0790447001389315062.jpgThere should have been a picture of the Simplex all finished and sprayed in primer at least tonight but instead you have two cats looking very comfortable together on the other chair. The reason for this (apart from the heating having gone off two hours ago!), is that I have spent most of tonight fitting couplings and still not finished. In truth I am not that far away now but when I came to take a pic the various spring loaded bits shot off somewhere into the mess that is my current modelling tray and really can't be bothered to find them now. At least I know where they are and am not scrabbling around on the floor looking for them.


I completed the last bits of the body but then found that the coupling height was 2mm too low so had to pack out the chassis to raise it up. Then started on the couplings. Am using John Clutterbucks Zamzoodle couplings which are the best scale couplings around. They are not cheap but look good and once set up properly (which takes ages!), do actually work. They are not completely accurate for WDLR as they used a manual link and pin which would be far to fiddly and impossible to automate. Then followed a huge amount of filling on a luckily surprisingly strong body to make them fit.


Far too late to finish tonight so here are two very happy cats!



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Recommended Comments

Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with the couplings, but your cats look delightful, even if they are complaining of the cold!

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Had I read your last two entries before commenting on Tuesdays...


JC's couplings are going on mine too-preparing a first batch of couplings is what's interfering with finishing mine off.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good luck! The reason you thought my frame spacers different is that I have milled out a large portion of them to allow room for the coupling. I found this out the hard way on my first Simplex that I had to file away in situ which was not pleasant - yes I could have dismantled the chassis but had seen fit to solder up the screws as they kept coming undone. There is a drop of thread loc on the new one - you live and learn!


My biggest problem to start with the JC couplings was getting the iron wire tail to stick - was forced to learn how to silver solder in the end and is now pretty easy! I am also now using .8mm wire for pivots and fixings and am now breaking far fewer drills.

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